Minggu, 18 Maret 2012

Vegetarian Hakka Noodles | Hakka Vegetable Noodles Microwave Recipe | Step by Step Recipe

Veg Hakka Noodles is one of those Indo Chinese Recipes that is so popular all over the place. Hakka Noodles will always find itself in all buffets and liked by almost everybody. The first time I made this was during my college days and Amma always says I make it well. The one incident that always comes to mind will be the time I made this for Konda. I made without any vegetables and back home, she was saying that I don't know how to make it, as good as Ammamma. Amma was saying I always make it better than her. What I finally understood was that Konda loves the vegetables with the noodles and that really made me happy as she will get to eat the vegetables.

We end up making this noodles for evening snack as Daddy also likes it a lot. So I decided I will pack noodles for Konda's lunch and for Daddy's breakfast. Knowing that my entry for this month's MEC is due, I decided to make the noodles in Microwave. To be quite frank, making the hakka noodles on stove top is much more easy and quick. So make sure she doesn't miss her van, I removed half for making the noodles for Konda, quickly made it on the stove top, then made the rest in microwave for Daddy.

Konda was so happy that she got the noodles for lunch and wanted me to make it again. I know I should be having this as a regular item.

Step By Step Recipe

Microwave Vegetable Hakka Noodles

Ingredients Needed:

Hakka Noodles - 1 packet
Onions - 1 medium
Carrot, Beans, Cabbage, Capsicum - 1 cup
Soya Sauce - 1 tsp
Salt to taste
Pepper powder - 1 tsp
Oil - 2 -3 tsp

How to make the Noodles in Microwave

In a microwave safe bowl, take water twice the amount to fill up the noodles, microwave for 8 mins. By this time the noodles was cooked well. Drain this over a colander, run this twice in cold water, add oil and mix well. This prevents it from sticking together.

Then microwave the chopped vegetables for 10 mins. Once done, drain the water. In a microwave bowl, add 1 tsp oil, saute the onions for 2 mins. Then add the boiled vegetables for a min. Once done, add the boiled noodles, salt and pepper powder, mix well. Microwave again for 2 mins.

Serve with tomato ketchup.


Use the water from boiled vegetables in sambar. Always add the salt in the final stage for the noodles to get cooked well.

Sending this to Privish, who is hosting this month's edition of MEC

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