Jumat, 06 Januari 2012

Recap ~ Best of 2011

New Year's time is always about thinking back and wondering if you did what all you set out to do. And it's also the time you plan for the coming days. How quickly time does pass! 

Though I was actively updating something of my personal thoughts on my other blog, I haven't really done much lately. Then there was of course the BM that's been such a huge thing. It almost looks like I have been blogging through. Still I never would want to miss out doing things that I consider as traditional things. And do a Best of the Year is always that for me.

The best part I love about this event, is the fact that there are blogger friends who actually look forward to this event and so happily send me their memories. Life is like that right, least thing brings you a smile, when you least expect it.

I am touched by many who support me in all my activities and many who wish me the best in all the things I do. What do I do without you all!

Before I become more sloppy, here's an account of all the stories that's come my way!

For Anusha, the year has been very good as she has so many memories to think back fondly. She recollects her journey through her blog and the different roles she has come to handle. She has a lovely collection of recipes to start with. Browse through and enjoy her recap.

For a person who took a break longer than expected, Cham comes back with a bang, recollecting what's kept her busy through the year! I especially love the fact that she got to taste some exotic fruits and has even come up with a goal sheet. All the best Cham for fulfilling your goals.

Next you get to read about Pan Gravy Kadai Curry, authored by a cool gal, calling herself Cool Lassi(e). My pal in BM,  and trust me she really got me over the moon when she said she remembers only BM these days. From a collection of over 100 recipes, it is really tough to pick just 15 but she really did. And those 15 are really wow!

There are certain things that you do as a tradition and I feel as a tradition. And that will surely be getting an entry from Graziana. I enjoy the fact that I never fail to get an entry from Graziana. Best part of the post is, she has made sure she has selected the very best for us to drool over!

Then we have Hema sharing her best of the year, when she become active blogging. I like her best picture and I am sure you will too.

Next comes Jaya, with her spice and curry mixed up just right for us. If you felt you missed reading some of her delicious dishes, you need not have worried. She has done a beautiful round up of her creations!

Now we have a bubbling blogger all set to get the record straight. Kavi seems surprised that she stayed committed to this entertainment she has started. Well when it is Edible Entertainment, how can one not be addicted. Her list of best what she had to offer are really tempting.

Then we have Lakshmi Grandhim sharing her best of the year. Her Iyengar Bakery Style "Khara Bread" surely caught me drooling over it.

Reading PJ, I can only say I was touched. Not only did she write this post the year along, she sent an email that she was waiting for me to announce this event..:)..Read on her lovely recollection of what best she has in her collection.

Priyanka takes a trip down her memory lane, revisiting some of her posts and enjoying them again. The best I liked was the Eggless Chocolate Cake with Cookies and Cream Icing.

Roshni who started blogging just couple of months ago, is all excited with the encouragement she gets from her new blogging friends. She lists her best that she has to offer in the months that she started.

For Smitha, it's been a wonderful year of change. They moved homes which meant she couldn't blog. The long break that she couldn't avoid made her miss many events. She is hoping to get back to being regular and I hope so too.

and finally thinking back on how and what it was, I was able to write down my thoughts. I have been able to reach my goals that I had thought for Spice your Life. Though still long way to go..

I hope you enjoyed reading every body's account..Now stay back to enjoy the regular show.


Thank you everybody for sending and sharing your thoughts.

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