Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

Announcing Chocolate Mela!

Hope it's been a great start of the new year for everybody! It's been a different one this time for us, as we were not in town and then as usual it was school reopening for the kids. With almost three days passed off quickly I realized that I haven't done a post yet in either blogs.

If last year I started with a sweet note by posting Mysore Pak, this time round I thought I should begin with a Mela! There is nothing better than a Mela to get into mood of celebrations. Let's begin the year with a celebration and no celebration is complete without sweets, rather Chocolates if you ask me.

I am sure there are not many who will say no to chocolates. If I am not eating these days, it's only because nothing reaches me. I have too many chocolate lovers at home. Infact if I have to bake, at least one batch has to be with chocolate, else kids will not even touch the cake.

For the Mela, make any dish with chocolate/cocoa as the main ingredient. It can be anything from sweets, truffles, cakes, cookies, ice creams, shakes, just about anything with chocolate in it.

So from now till February 20th 2012, post any dish that has Chocolate on your blog.

  • Link back to this announcement is mandatory
  • Entry can be any dish with chocolate as the main ingredient.
  • Usage of the logo is appreciated as it helps spread the word.
  • Eggs are allowed.
  • Multiple entries are accepted, only with a link back to this announcement
Any questions, please send them to cooking4allseasons@gmail.com.

Please check Chocolate Mela round up

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