Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

Mini Kaja ~ Andhra Sweets | Diwali Sweets | Step by Step Recipes

After a week long holidays on account of Deepavali, the school reopened today for the boys. For Konda the school was closed because of the rains. Whatever was the reason, it so happened that all of them had a long vacation and it was tough for them to get back to school. Anyway one fun part was the fact that the boys were asked to wear colour dress, meaning non uniform. I remember my own childhood, when we all used to go to school in our Deepavali dress and used to check out everybody's new dress. Somehow the feeling is not the same now. It used to be a single dress for us, and we used to make sure we had the best accessories and enjoyed the day to the core.

Somehow I feel that kids these days don't really give much importance to what a festival dress would mean. Each of them get about 3 - 4 dresses and that really makes it very regular. At least the feeling that it's a new dress makes them very excited. Another thing that I noticed on the Diwali eve on the roads, was the fact that almost everybody were seen in new cloths. It was rather interesting factor. What with the insistent rains, it was a scene with everybody trying to cover themselves best.

Another interesting topic will be the movies that get released for the Diwali. Two high budget movies got released and we are waiting for the reviews to come in. Hubby dear is waiting for the booking to be opened, which may not be for another two weeks or so. We are not movie buffs but try to watch movies if they turn out to be interesting.

Coming to the recipe for today, it's another Kaja recipe on showcase. Rather it's the old recipe in new form. Couple of months back, when we eat at Hotel Bliss in Tirupati, I was served a sweet that I don't eat. I requested for a replacement and I was happy to see this treat being offered. It was a kaja in mini version, hot from the pan and such a delight to eat. Ever since then I was telling Amma about it and finally when she made her regular Kajas, I told her that I ought to make a mini version of the kajas, as I had to take for my colleagues.

Taking these mini Kajas were good as nobody has to share or break this delicious sweet. Just pop into your month to enjoy!

The recipe is very much the same as the Bombay Kaja. Only difference is the way you make it. Unlike the Andhra Kaja, where about 3 -4 layers are stacked and then rolled out, this is made with a single layer rolled out and then made.

Mini Kaja
Same as how Bombay Kaja is made.

Ingredients Needed

Maida - 1 & 3/4 cup
Baking Soda - a pinch
Ghee (solid and firm) - 1 tbsp

For Pathir

Rice flour - 2 tbsp
Ghee - 2 tbsp

Oil for deep frying

For Syrup

Sugar - 1 & 1/4 cup
Water - just enough to cover the sugar

How to make Mini :

For the dough:

Sieve the maida with baking soda in a wide bowl. Add the ghee and rub well. Slowly add water and knead to a stiff dough. Let it rest for a while with a wet cloth. By the time we got back to the dough, it was almost 15 - 20 mins.

For the pathir:

In a bowl, add the rice flour and ghee, beat well. When you add more ghee it becomes more flaky.

For the Sugar:

Add the sugar with just enough water to cover. Heat it till the sugar melts. If there are any impurities, remove. Then continue cooking to rolling boil. After 5 -7 mins, take a drop and check if it's reached 1 thread consistency. When you touch between thumb and index finger, you should get a single thread. Switch off the flame.

Rolling out the dough

Divide the dough into equal balls. Take one ball, cover the rest with wet cloth.

Dust the dough well and using a rolling pin, roll out to a medium thickness discs the size of a regular chapati. Spread the pathir all over the surface. Then starting from one side, roll inside as you get a rope. Press well to make sure the rope doesn't get off.

Then cut into small pieces. Again press these small pieces into a slight longer size using a rolling pin, as shown in the picture.

Have everything ready for frying together.

Heat a kadai with oil. When the oil gets hot, simmer. Add the rolled out kaja and cook on both sides.

When it turns colour and cooked on both sides, drain using a spatula and put into the sugar syrup. Let it be for 5 mins, remove to another plate.


This variety of Kaja doesn't require resting time. Make the kajas into small shape so that it's easy to make and giveaway.

If you add little more ghee for the pathir, the kajas will be more flaky.

If the sugar syrup gets thick, you can add little more water, bring to boil. Make sure the syrup is thick.

Andhra Special Kaja
Bombay Kaja

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