Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

Announcing Soups and Salads Mela

I know I am yet to do the round up of Condiment Mela, will surely do it soon. As the name says, this mela is for all Soups and Salads that you can think of. I know I surely need to increase my collection of both these categories. 

Even during dining out, I know I never go to the table that has these laid out. It's on rare occasion that I find myself checking out these tables. However when I take them I make sure I complete it. So I have always been on the look out of these and what better chance than having a mela for it. 

So from now till November 20th 2011, post any dish that can be classified as Soups or Salads, on your blog. It can be sweet or savory. The dish can be of any cuisine, both Veg and Non Veg accepted.

Link back to this announcement and send me your entries to cooking4allseasons@gmail.com with subject as Soups and Salads Mela. I will be happy if you use the logo.

I will try to leave a comment within couple of days, or atleast before the round up..:)

Multiple entries are accepted, infact would be glad to get all different dishes that you have already posted. But please update the post with this announcement post link. This is the least I can expect, but do not link all your archive posts in one post.

The email can be in this format

Subject: Soups and Salads Mela

Post URL
Recipe Name
Picture of your dish.

Last date to send in your entries will be November 20th 2011.

I hope you will enjoy participating in this event and make it a success.

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