Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

Pazham Pori | Banana Fritters | Step By Step Recipe

Pazham Pori is also known as Ethakka Appam as I am told. The mere mention of Pazham Pori conjures of memories long forgotten, of childhood delights, of youthful indulgence and a mature fantasy. Well for all the adventures we have had, the conquest of Pazham Pori remains the one of the top. And my fondness to this delightful snack remains untarnished.

If you can understand how much of an impression these Pazham Pori has had on my "snack disliker" hubby dear, who  got these Nenthra Pazham, you can know how great these tastes. I think I have some deep connection with Kerala and its cuisine as I love all their dishes. Growing up on these dishes during our many summer vacations, made us love the cuisine. In fact most times I am mistaken for a malayali and addressed in Malayalam.

Ernakulam is one city we must have visited many times. When Dad was the Medical Director, in-charge of the south zone, he used to take us along for vacations. All those wonderful trips down south, surely brings back many nostalgic memories. We could be sure of getting treated to the best of what the place had to offer. And these tempting, delicious Pazham Pori were a must on the list when we visit Ernakulam. Of course Pazham Pori is available across the state, yet I can relate this more to this place than anything else.

Hubby dear just decided he wanted to eat Pazham Pori and got some Nenthra pazham. And it was pretty late when I got down making these. We managed to finish some and even had some spared for my colleagues.

How to make Pazham Pori in Step By Step

Nenthra Pazham before peeling. I used only two of these.

After peeling cut into two horizontal pieces.

Then proceed to cut vertically into thick pieces

 Like this..

Dip the banana pieces into the batter made with all purpose flour, sugar, soda.

Make sure the fruit is coated on both sides.

 Gently drop them into hot oil.

Cook on both sides.

Drain using a colander ladle.

Pazham Pori | Banana Fritters
Ingredients Needed

Nenthra Pazham - 2 big ones
Maida / All purpose flour - 3/4 cup (can use more)
Sugar - 3-4 tsp
Cooking Soda - 2 pinches
Turmeric - a tiny pinch.
Rice flour - 1 tsp (opt I didn't use this time)

Oil for deep frying

Method to prepare:

Peel the banana and cut in the middle horizontally. Then proceed to cut vertically into think strips.

Take the flour, sugar and cooking soda in a bowl, mix well. Then slowly add the water to get a thick batter. Whisk it well so that it rises up. You wont actually see the rise but you can see froth coming out during whisking.

Heat kadai/pan with oil. When it is hot, dip the banana strips into the batter on both sides and gently drop into the hot oil. If the banana/plantain is over ripe, it will slip very badly, so got to hold it tight!

Once it turns lightly golden flip to the other side. When done, remove on a kitchen towel to drain excess oil.

  • The fruit has to be ripe, yet not too ripe for you not be able to handle the cutting.
    When you use rice flour, the batter tends to come out little crispy.
    Take care not to lower your fingers close to the oil, it has happened few times to me.
  • I added a bit of turmeric, in fact more than necessary by mistake during the first batch. The fritters turned out pink! So if you want a little yellow hue, add a small pinch and not more.
  • The proportion of Rice flour depends on how crispy you want. Without this flour the fritters tend to become soggy. 

We enjoyed the Pazham Pori and it transported me to my childhood days. Do share which dish brings your childhood to memory!

Happy Weekend and enjoy!

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