Rabu, 15 Desember 2010

Arusuvai Friendship Chain ~ The Second Season on!

When Bharathy wrote to me saying Arusuvai Friendship Chain will start again, I was excited. Arusuvai Friendship Chain created an uproar when it was active. It opened up new friendship for all of us. In the days when all you had was just the blog to read, to know the author, this virtual friendship bonded us much better. This made the blogger closer to our families.

Not only that, getting a surprise gift makes you day, believe me, it surely did. Though I was able to guess the powder that Renu sent me as custard, making a new challenging dish out of it proved very exciting. Not just that, when I finally met Renu, we remembered this and enjoyed our conversation on how it turned out for the family too.

Coming to the second season, Bharathy wrote to me saying Sayantani was eager in starting this chain again. So Bharathy already sent her an ingredient and Sayantani also posted on this revival of Arusuvai Friendship chain, calling for bloggers living in India.

Two years back when there weren't that many bloggers from India, Bharathy and I found it tough roping in people. Now the scene has changed and I believe it won't be that very difficult now.

Arusuvai Friendship works like this. The chain is started by one blogger, who will send a mysterious ingredient to two bloggers. The recipient will have to guess what it is and make a dish using the mysterious ingredient. Once the dish is prepared, they post on the blog. They in turn send to two other bloggers, and the chain continues.

We have taken utmost care in not sharing the mailing address of the bloggers involved, except to the person who will have to send. Since this requires us to physically post the ingredient, this is open for bloggers who are currently living in India. This was started by US bloggers among themselves and they had fun too.

Interested bloggers can let Sayantani know about their wish to be part of this chain, by leaving a comment in her post

You can read about my experience in this when I made the Custard Malpua and the entire story of how this chain passed on from one blogger to another in this Arusuvai Friendship Chain - Inside story.

Somehow the month of December always ends up being nostalgic for me. Memories of good and bad that passed your way, come gushing in. You feel sad for the hurtful things that happen, cherish the good things you were fortune to have. Arusuvai Friendship Chain brought me closer to wonderful people like Lathamma and her lovely daughter Laks, who actually started this chain and designed the logo. I miss them and wish they start blogging again.

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.-- Anonymous

Do join in, I am sure you will have loads of fun!

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