Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

A Trip to San Francisco and BlogHer Food

It's been five days since coming back from the trip, yet it feels like a daze. I have travelled forth and am back to my world. Yet it feels like a dream. I made my first ever trip alone, managed quite well and back in one piece. Despite all the apprehension my family can have on sending me on my own, I had a great adventure, including a missed flight and a great mingling with wonderful folks. I was visiting my cousin sister at SFO, to attend BlogHer Food Conference.

My flight had a plane change over at Brussels, which I wasn't aware of until the last moment. We had a wait of two hours and  I met a sweet lady who was recouping from a personal loss, yet she was kind enough to let me tug along with her.

Way to NY, my neighbour was a German gentleman from Spain. We had such a lively discussion about food and culture. He was most delighted to know that I was a food blogger and confessed his love for Indian Food. The plane offered Indian food for Lunch, which he felt was spicy and to my spiced tongue was barely mild. On the whole it was an enlighten discussion on culture.

When I landed in NY, I had to get my immigration and customs cleared. By then I was happily led into a different terminal. I called up home and confirmed to all that I reached well. Only to realize something was wrong and it struck me that I will most surely miss my plane to SFO. I don't remember ever running so fast, even running period. All the while I was grinning actually knowing it was such a comedy of errors. JFK airport is so huge, one can so easily get lost.

Luckily I was booked on the next available one. My sister was all worried, I assured her I was doing just fine, infact enjoying a large chocolate bar with roasted almonds. That was a moment of self indulgence you agree right!

By the time I settled down at my sister's home, trying to account my adventure to my family it was pretty late. The simple dal with aloo podi was heavenly as it can be!

Next day my bil took us to the shopping mall. If one can actually drop down shopping it could've been us. My sis took me to the Pretzels, which were out of the world! Then to Macy's which had the best of the cookware one can see. I selected couple of muffin trays along with loads of other accessories for baking.

Next day was the BlogHer Conference, where I met many wonderful Food Bloggers.

While I was still trying to collect myself seeing the huge gathering, I was greeted by the talented duo Anuja and Hetal of the Both of them were so kind and interesting. Imagine doing the entire Video yourself and doing the entire show by themselves. I had so much to learn from them. I have lots to thank them, including the fact that they ensure I got vegetarian food to eat. The buffet was huge but finding something for a vegetarian was tough.

These were what I lived on.

A speech by Lisa Stone & Elisa Camahort Page

 A session by Todd and Diane of the White on rice couple

The day went off quite well, with lots of demo samplings, mingling and carrying back the huge "swag".

My sis and Bil joined us for the party and on the way back home they took me through the beautiful SFO. Couple of days are not just enough to take in everything.

I was really excited for the panel to happen. I finally met Elaine Wu of Virgo Blue and, who moderated our panel which had Donna Pierce from, Laura Beck from It was about Food Diplomats and Cuisine Ambassadors that lasted an hour and a quarter. It was a lively discussion and I had so much to share and learn. It was indeed a great experience.

Yes I finally met Jadan, she was as wonderful as she always sounded. 

 The books displayed at the BlogHer, all authored by the bloggers.

 Live Demo by the Chefs

Afternoon was a ride to the Farmer's Market and the Ferry Building. It was a lesson in history with questions on the Ferry building. The day ended with a closing party which was held at the Culinary Institute.

Closing party in the evening.

On the way back, my BIL decided to go for a second show of Enthiran. I have never been to a second show and on top sleeping only for about 4 hrs the past 4 days, I finally conked off right there. I don't remember watching the movie and will not claim having watched it either if anyone asks!

 We went on a ferry tour the next day.

 On the way back after two days, I tried taking pictures from the window.


Next 3 days were quick before I actually realized!

I know this post is pretty late but it's better late then never as they say right!

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