Senin, 31 Mei 2010

How to make Mango Shrikhand | Aamrakhand | Thanda Mela

The late nights, the even later mornings, burning the midnight lamps not for school but because you couldn't keep off the fiction you took to read. Enjoying a heavy breakfast, then dashing off to play with friends. Reluctantly coming back home for lunch. But happy that you can then continue reading another book. Come 5 in the evening, off to play a game of shuttle. Followed by a stroll in the lush greens of the neighbourhood. Back home for dinner and slipping away again to meet friends.  Coming back home finally to tug at the curtains to ensure no trace of the night lamp sneaking out. Spending another long night devouring the pages at length, trying to beat the author on his story.

This was how I remember all my summer vacations to have been. Later in years, it was mulling over cookbooks to bake pizzas and cakes or make the best of the season by dishing out many Mango dishes. The many cartons of mangoes that came our way found themselves dressed up as ice creams, soufflés, cakes, drinks and what not! Of course I wasn't adventurous to attempt at a curry, though I wish I did. All this flashed across my mind because I read  Tintin's The Crab with the Golden Claws late last night. I love each and every one of them, though this is more special because he meets Captain Haddock

And the fact that Konda's vacation comes to an end today and she will be now on to Class 5, which again was a very significant year for me. Though I must say I remember each and every year as clearly as if it happened yesterday. Though I may not actually remember what happened yesterday! As always this past 1 and half months just flew but I know for a fact that she spent most of her time watching TV and then playing with her friend K. I did give her some story books to read. Maybe she is yet to get the love for books. Of course we kept her occupied with lots of activities, coming to which, yes I have finally put up the Kid's Delight - Activities and Cooking with Kids event.

Yes I have a huge bag full of books to be bound, luckily my father in law promised to help me. We will get it done before the last day! It is no fun if I don't get to it on the last day, really!

Coming to the recipe for today, I was thinking I will make lots of Mango based dishes. But with the lack of mangoes in our city, this was the lone mango dish that got prepared. I almost thought I may not have an entry for my own event, when Amma made this for us and I remembered the good ol' days eating this Shirkand
How to make Mango Shrikhand | Aamrakhand | Thanda Mela

Ingredients Needed:

Curds / Yogurt – 1 cup
Sugar – ¾ cup
Mango Pulp – 1 cup
Cardamom a pinch
Nuts – 1 tbsp

Hang Curds for 6 hrs. Then beat well with sugar till frothy.

Wash, dice and extract pulp from the mangoes. Beat the pulp again before adding to the curds.

Mix everything together along with cardamom, nuts. Refrigerate for couple of hours before serving.

This goes for my Thanda Mela. I am celebrating 3 years of blogging with this wonderful event. Hope you have your cool entries sent!

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