Senin, 10 Mei 2010

Host list for Microwave Easy Cooking Event!

Things have been so hectic this past couple of weeks that I completely couldn't take up this favorite event of mine Microwave Easy Cooking, referred as the MEC. Plus added to the fact that my Microwave is not working, I haven't been able to make anything in it. Anyways plans on getting it back to working condition is underway.

Meanwhile I thought I will open up the calender for new sign ups. When I decided that I can't continue hosting this myself, I opened up to bloggers, and even had the entire 2010 fully booked. But to be more realistic, we planned only for 2009. 

So finally here I am with the calender free from June. I will be taking up August as a mandatory Anniversary party. But all other months are open.

Please leave a comment with your email id if you are willing to host this event on your blog for any of the months starting from June 2010.

I will mail you the details and other related things.

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