Sabtu, 20 Maret 2010

IndiBlogger Chennai Meet

I have met food bloggers before on couple of occasions and I am regularly in touch with few. But this evening I had a different experience meeting bloggers from Chennai. The meet was organized by Indibloggers. The event started at 2.30 pm and went on till 6.30 pm.

Things have been hectic off late at home, so I was not sure if I would make it till the end. Result was I forgot my camera and I lost the presence of mind to click with my mobile. Anyway will put up some pictures when the organizers do.

The meet started with 30 sec fame, where all bloggers got to introduce themselves and which in turn had everybody knowing about them. I felt really happy when quite a few of them came up and said they read my blog and was happy meeting me in person. And many came forward to know the site details because they were interested in sharing the blog with their moms. That was really very sweet!

All in all it was a wonderful occasion and I ended up meeting some nice folks. I know this makes me to announce the meet I was planning, that will be done very soon!

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