Senin, 04 Januari 2010

Recap ~ Best of 2009

Here I am doing yet another of my favorite posts, recap of what's been the Best of 2009 for many bloggers. The one most common feeling I felt and sense among everybody was the fact that 2009 has been really quick. Yes I felt it too and now into the new year, I am telling myself that next year same time I don't want to feel that year just passed me by!

I almost forgot about this event, remembering a week later and thought it was good time anyway.

Lets take sometime and check out what each of these bloggers had to say on their best of the year has been and what's planned!

Arundhuti logs in just few moments before the new year, taking time to look back on whats been during the year for her. Though she had a mix of good and bad happening in life, she managed to log some of her favorites on the blog. After all life is always composed of ups and downs. But what makes it even more worthwhile when we take such moments to cherish!

Aqua writes a lovely letter to her blog She starts off saying the blog got angry with her for gone missing, only to realize that she forgot the entry details! And then goes on to say how she was busy eating than clicking pictures. After all that's what happens when you are on a break right. But in the end she hopes the blog forgives her as she has many in draft for her!. I really hope her cute blog does!

Reading Bhagyshri, I realized how far we move ahead when bringing up a child. With the years passing, we get more patient and more adaptable. And guess what she welcomes the new year with a new look for her blog and hopes to keep with the family trend of healthy eating this year too. Here's wishing her all the best!

Bharathy comes up just the right time to wrap the year's happening. And feels she had done more justice this year compared to the previous. Well I can tell her that opinion varies..:) I would've wanted her to had attempted more ICC! Still within the short period she managed some awesome clicks and posts!

Chaitra talks about her rendezvous with her blog that she started in 2009. I can understand how the journey must have been. The journey that has seen her creating her own space and improving it everyday is sure a great task!

Divya peeps in the year that went by and says it went off very fast. With the fact that she didn't blog so much nevertheless her posts were her favorites. She says she almost didn't do this post she is currently being pampered at home. I only hope she takes some pictures to share with us!

Reading EC on her recap made me feel very good. Here's one blogger who has taken so much time and put in hard work to get so many things on the blog aspect. The number of events she conducted makes your head spin plus the other activities. Plus so many new topics discussed!

Indrani takes a moment to recollect her thoughts on the year that has been. Her blog celebrated the first anniversary including 100 posts, some more milestones including hosting couple of events. All in all a year to remember for her and her readers!

Starting on a note of sharing a secret, we have Jaya Wagle getting hooked to this world by hitting the Next Blog!. Well more than that her recollection of events makes one believe that things happen so wonderfully to our advantage. In all the drama, only one missing is the crown to the centenary. Why worry we all wish in advance!

Reading Jayashree Mandal post on what had been happening on her blog front, made me nostalgic. No wonder she was talking about the good old DD and what was a quality time for us back then. No you are not laid back Jaya, but I leave your list to be read by all who I am sure will enjoy!

Kanchan seems to have had a jolly ride starting her Personal Tadka and shares her moments of joy with us. I can feel a chord with every line she talked about.

Next takes us to the beautiful array of dishes that Lubna has in store for us. I am really struck not able to decide which was more pretty! Days may run into months, months into years. But whats capture stays forever fresh! So is her lovely post!

Seeing Meeta's post, I was hard with words to say which one was my favorite! Each and everyone picture looked more pretty than the other. Reading what she went through this past year and how her blog helped her anchor, only shows how much our space matter to each of us!

Starting a student's life again and then a blog won't have been a easy task. But Nivedita seems to have done that and some. She logged her favorite recipes and says she was waiting for a while to start her own blog. Read to see her what else she has to share with us!

PJ, looks back on the two wonderful years she has spent blogging. She chalks herself out with some goals on what she plans to do, and I must say they are good great! Including hosting some great events, esp the kids related!

Priya never ceases to amaze me. It's hard to believe that its only been over a year that she started blogging. With over 850 posts to credit, this lady rocks! When I announce an event, I simply know I can trust her to send me as many as she can..:)). Her recap talks about her personal journey through her blog!

Priyanka, finds it hard to put in words what the year has brought in for her. Relocating and back in a place that now makes her feel good, has been the best part I guess. Here's wishing you all the best in the new year too!

Radhika though not been very active through the year, wishes to come back with loads of new posts and other activities. She also shares some of the dishes that she tried and came out well.

With just few months away in blogging Renu Roy shares her top ones in the past year and hopes you click and enjoy them!

Sowjanya shares her decade of events that lead before and after the blog. You got to read to enjoy her stories. Personally I was happy getting to know her through this event.

Well if you ever need a gurma recipe, then you should land in Sra's space for the know-how! For a witty person she is, I guess the most funny people search and land in her space too. What else would you explain the way she gets visitors. Ok you got to read for yourself to get under!

With Swapna coming out in the nick of the year but still managed to post handful, hopes to be more regular this year. Funny thing she noticed how she gets appreciated for what she never thought for! Guess it's always been that way!

Usha wanted to step back to see what her blogging has been the last year. Though she hasn't been active, some of the things she blogger are sure wonderful to get to know like those sweet and simple bakes! She signs off saying she will be more regular!

And finally I took some moments to think what the year has been and what I wanted to do and whats in plan!

Well I can only say the year went past very fast, though not without giving us each so many wonderful memories to last a lifetime!

I only wish to say, there are always ups and downs in life. We always better if we treat everything equal but remember more of the happy days than spending in remorse.

It helps to pause and think for a moment and see where we are heading. And beginning of a year is the best time round!

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