Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010

By the Book!

When Jayashree asked me to write about the cookbook that I use often, I was wondering which one to write about as I don't' follow one cookbook that much. I asked her if I can talk about the paper clippings and handwritten book from Amma, she said yes! So here are some of the books that I use sometimes and 4 huge files of complied papers.

The most cherished hand written book from Amma has recipes that she written from her Mom, and those that she learnt in the early years of marriage. Many are part of our regular cooking. some I have kept for the cookbook. That book is something we use so often. Apart from that small diary there are some 3 different big diaries that we maintain. Now of course I have the blog!

Those books from Sanjeev Kapoor are sometimes referred. Then those lovely books that look so pretty! But the other collection that you see down, are the files that I prepared with the paper clippings that Amma had with her for many years. Those handwritten books are recipes that are hit in our family that Amma makes, it was given to me when I started my own family!

Thanks Jayashree, I really enjoyed going through my collection and writing about it!

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