Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009

Deepavali Wishes with Deepavali special sweets and savories!

Wishing all my readers a very happy and prosperous Deepavali. May this year brings you lots and lots of happiness in life and fulfill all your dreams!

I managed to slip to update this post!. Kids are having their nap and the whole city is blustering with crackers. It is a wonder they actually are still napping! All the round the city, you can find kids getting excited with their Lakshmi Vedi and so many other things. The colorful crackers are treasured for the evening affair!

We finally decided on making a different variety of muruku, 7 cup Barfi, Kakinada Kaja. We couldn't make Mixture and Besan Burfi for want of time.

All are recipes from Amma. I just helped her make the muruku, though the barfi was done in steps and I took the full charge of it.

The timing is very important for making this burfi. Though the top texture looks uneven and gives a tough appearance, it is very soft. If more ghee was added it becomes your perfect melt in your mouth kids!

Recipes will be follow soon. Meanwhile do share what you all made and how you enjoyed the day!

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