Senin, 05 Oktober 2009

Anniversary Trip to Delhi ~ Memories of a Foodie in action!

I finally ticked the only place I longed to visit since I can remember. Of course there are many more places that I want to visit. But Delhi somehow tops that list. It was the place I was to start my married life, a place that sounded all so promising and exciting. A city where I was sure I would enjoy the place and food to my heart's content.

Being so far away from family and kin was tough for both families to decide. And hubby dear finally decided to relocate. Leaving his job and the place he came to love, landed in a city he loathed for various reasons, to make it his home.

Whether the city endeared itself to him or not he feels at home because he has a family here now. It is hard to compete with a place one grows up in or the place one grows to love!

Though I have never shared our anniversary here, I thought I should this time. This year marking a milestone and yes making an effort to celebrate the 10 short years that we spent together. Where did all these years run? Yes I have memories of each one itched well, but hubby dear wanted to make this even more special by taking me on a surprise trip to Delhi.


He did everything in secrecy knowing we have a long weekend this month. Though its not yet the date, we can't always choose the day right. So it was decided we would make the best and celebrate the whole month. He arranged with his sister to visit us this weekend so that we can take off for three days. Nobody knew where we were going. He ensured he kept it all secret, except slipping out the name to me once. He covered it again well. So till the last moment I wasn't sure where we were going.


I know I literally shocked Amma when I called her to inform that we landed in Delhi. For me it was like visiting a place I have always only imagined. Hubby dear took me to all the places he enjoyed, feeding me the food that he always talked about endlessly. I enjoyed every single moment of our short 3 days trip.

I clicked pictures of every single thing. The food, place everything was great. Of course it was very crowded for my likes. But then you can't expect it to be anything other than that right.

The food part was fabulous. Since our trip involved lot of walking, I was sure I was going to burn out all that extra cream and fat that went into the food

We even managed to visit The Taj Mahal. Its only natural for one to fall in love with!


Seeing the place through the eyes of a person in love, makes you love the place more. If only we are blessed with many lives to live in all the places we want. Such wishful thinking!

Oh the many dishes that I tasted. If only those chefs were kind enough to share all those treasures with me. I couldn't decide which was far more superior, the Amritsari Paneer Chur Chur Naan or the Bikanerwala's Dal Makhani or the luscious Lassi. Down to all meals, every single dish was most enjoyed!


Chur Chur ka Naan was everything that I have been hearing about for the past 10 years. It was your melt in your mouth, making you experience each bit that you take in. And what more can one ask when its stuffed with Paneer, dipped in a chhole gravy. I never realised when that whole plate got over!

Three short days are never enough to enjoy enough but these memories are enough to last me a lifetime. We made a pact that our next visit would be more lively with our kids in tow.

I am so happy sharing this with my readers and friends. I hope to write more in detail and not bore everybody on board on my trip. Check back on my Journey called Life, if this interested you further!

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