Selasa, 29 November 2011

Announcing the "Best of year 2011" Event!

Even if I have been saying the same almost every year, this year does seem the time passed with a major impact on my blogging way. I have been happy that I have been regular in blogging at my Spice your Life blog with Blogging Marathon

That also meant I remember to post this event on time. We are at that period in the year when we think back and look forward to the next year. 

So I decided I repeat myself and do the same points again and it will be fun to read about so many new blogs and what they did this year.

If you are interested to take such a time to pause and think back, I would welcome you to share it with me.

It can also be whatever else you want to share with me and your readers.

I am just giving few items for you to get started. It can be these or whatever you want to share:

1. Top 5 or 10 recipes of the year
2. Best dish of the month
3. Best recipe prepared from other blogs
4. Best Meal of the year
5  New things discovered in the year (can include anything related to cooking)
6. Best post or picture for each month or year
7. New blogs discovered
8. Cooking resolutions for the Year 2012!

Lets celebrate the new year with a recap of what we did during 2011!

Guidelines for the event.
1. Write your post by 31st December 2011.
2. Please use to the logo to spread the event.
3. In your post, include a link to this announcement.
4. Mail me your details to with the subject line "Best of 2011".
I hope you will enjoy doing this recap.
Hoping to read the many wonderful things that happened around!

If you have time, do check out my best of the year posts that I did in the past - 2007, 20082009 and 2010 here.

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