Jumat, 22 Juli 2011

Palak Methi Na Muthia Recipe | Gujrati Special Steamed Dumplings | Step by Step Recipe

Muthia has been one of those dishes that I have long been having in my list to do. Every time I plan, it never materializes for the simple fact that I didn't really make an effort to get it done. I have many recipes that I have bookmarked. But finally the craving to do this happened, when an online friend said she had this recently and wanted a recipe. That got my interest rekindled and when I saw some delicious recipes coming my way, I decided I ought to make this.

Muthia is a gujarati specialty and gets it's name from the way it is made, more like what results when you grip a dough. It's cylindrical in shape, most often cut into smaller pieces and eaten steamed or fried after steaming. As always there are many variations to this and you can add different vegetables, greens to the dish. Main focus being the atta and besan is added to the vegetables / greens, made into a dough and steamed.

When I saw a bunch of fresh palak at home, I immediately told Athamma that I was going to make something with it. Patiently she was waiting for me to make it, almost 3 days passed, there was a fear that the leaves will spoil soon. Very late in the day I realized that the recipe I was referring to, called for methi too. So I had to wait for the methi to make it's presence. Finally I set out to make this.
It was one of those days when you won't find anything that you want in your fridge! Yep our regular stock of green chilies got over, imagine I buy about 1/4 kg of chilis in a week. And there is nothing left. I decided to go ahead with the single chili I could find and added red chili powder. After all spice is essential.

This is also one of those recipes where you really can't recite a specific measurement. It depends on the vegetables you use and the water content that's present. The recipe very distinctly asks us to squeeze out the water from the greens after washing them. But as you might expect, I simply overlooked that fact and proceeded to make. Of course, I did keep both the washed, cleaned leaves on the colander. Still after adding salt there will be lot of water coming out. Result was, I had to add more atta, besan than what was specified.

Anyway my camera on one hand, kneading the dough with the other, I managed to click through the process. Athamma joined me in making those rolls. We greased the steamer and set it out to steam for about 20 mins. Once it was done, I proceeded to the next best step, tempering with Rai and Til (mustard and sesame seeds). I love the taste that fried till gives to a dish. When you drop in those cute little seeds in hot sizzling oil, they burst out happily and flavour whatever follows. I gently dropped these steamed dumplings and tossed about the pan, for the sesame seeds to coat the Muthia on all sides.
Imagine munching in those crunchy, crispy muthias, with the sesame coated all over, it's out of the world taste. I was already running late, so had to pack in a hurry. Hubby dear dropped in to check what I was doing and made it a point to ask what it was. I clicked couple of pictures in haste. Sun at that point of time, is always very sharp and is not particularly helpful. But I really didn't have time to stop for a leisure shoot session.

Muthias were made and vanished all in the time span of an hour! This was supposed to be served with coriander chutney, but I decided I love ketchup better.

Ingredients Needed:

Palak Leaves / Spinach, finely chopped - 1 & 1/2 cup
Methi Leaves / Fenugreek leaves, chopped - 1 cup
Wheat flour / Atta - 4 tbsp (more depending on the texture)
Besan - 2 tbsp
Semolina 1 tbsp
Ginger - Chili paste - 1 tsp (I grated ginger and finely chopped chilies)
Red chili powder - 1 tsp
Cumin Seeds - 1/2 tsp
Baking powder - 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste
Lemon juice - 1/2 of a medium
Oil - 1 tsp
Sugar - 1/2 tsp
Oil for greasing your palm to make the rolls.

For tempering

Mustard - 1/2 tsp
Sesame Seeds - 1 tsp
Asafetida / Hing a pinch (forgot to add)

How to make Muthias:

Wash and rinse the leaves. Leave it on a colander for it to be completely drained. It is also suggested that you add salt and keep it aside for 10 mins, then squeeze the life out of it.

Take the leaves in a bowl, add all the flours, salt, cumin seeds, oil. Knead to a dough. This recipe may actually require more flour then we start with. It depends on the moisture of the leaves. So start from 2 tbsp, depending on how sticky the dough is, keep adding. The consistency should be of soft chapati dough, it should not be very stiff as you are going to stream it.

Once done, grease your palm, pinch out small balls, press them into rolls. Place them on a greased plates and stream as you normally do the idlis. This might take up to 20 mins, depending on the moisture and the flour. Check if it's done by picking with a knife or toothpick.

Once done, allow it to rest for 5 mins, until you can handle the muthias to cut into small pieces.

heat non stick pan with oil. Once it's hot add the mustard and sesame seeds. When the sesame seeds starts popping up, add the steamed muthiasmins. Remove

Serve hot with coriander chutney, ketchup.


Once you add salt to the leaves, make sure you squeeze them well. Best would be to let it drain for a while, before adding the salt. This way you wont remove lot of water. Chop the palak really fine, this will taste good after steaming.
It will take approx. 20 minutes on a medium flame for the muthias to be cooked till done.
To check if the muthias are done, insert a toothpick in the center. If it come out clean, the muthias are cooked.

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