Jumat, 08 April 2011

Celebrating 4th Blog Birthday with Breakfast Mela!

It's not everyday we end up thinking of how to celebrate a milestone right! I somehow seem to have got on a tradition to celebrate the blog birthday with a Mela and so be it. The Melas seems to have taken a break and I thought it was high time I started it again.

Reasons being I met couple of blogger friends who expressed that I should start back the Melas. I could not really say no and this seems to be a good way to celebrate the blog 4th Anniversary as well! Keeping in traditions and having fun on the way too.

So during one of my discussions with Champa, the different rhyming titles came up and she was cool enough to throw lots of ideas.

It's been a fun filled, completely addicted four years of Blogging. And I can't thank enough my readers, blogger friends and more importantly my family for the support they have given me all along.

It's been quite sometime in the recent days that I have actually cooked anything new or specially for this blog. I have a huge pile of pending recipes, all clicked, some recipes forgotten. I feel sad that I missed to note down the recipe of some of them. But I am sure I will get around making them again to post here. Off late my energy is spent more in getting Spice your Life awareness. Hence I thought a Mela will be motivating enough to get me cook new dishes for the celebrations.

So join me in celebrating the Blog Anniversary by making and sending me Breakfast dishes.

You can read about how the third Anniversary was celebrated, which also has the previous Mela entry stats.

So from now till May 20th 2011, post any dish that you serve for a Breakfast on your blog. This dish can be of any cuisine, both Veg and Non Veg accepted. Of any variety be it rice, cakes or whatever that you serve for your breakfast! For example, I often make Ragi Sangati with Groundnut Chutney for breakfast. So you get the draft!

Link back to this announcement and send me your entries to cooking4allseasons@gmail.com  with subject as Breakfast Mela. I will be happy if you use the logo.

Multiple entries are accepted, infact would be glad to get all different dishes that you have already posted. But please update the post with this post link.

The email can be in this format

Post URL
Recipe Name

Last date to send in your entries will be May 20th 2011.

I hope you will enjoy participating in this event and make it a success.


Check out the Four part Round ups

Breakfast Mela Part 1 
Breakfast Mela Part 2
Breakfast Mela Part 3

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