Senin, 14 Februari 2011

Rajma Masala Recipe | Lunch Box Series : LBS#59 | Step by Step Recipe

I really didn't want to say this but the days are really running. What with me doing a Marathon run along with some 25 bloggers, I almost seem to forget that I need to do some posting here too. Only the other day I was telling Athamma that I have about 45 recipes in drafts and I have also forgotten some of the recipes. I know that's very stupid of me, but I always think I will remember the recipe when I make it and in the end almost sometimes forget what went in.

Now there are two ways to handle this, either I cook that dish many times for me not to forget or write them down right away. And there are those recipes that either Athamma or Amma share with me. I will make it and prepare the dish, click the pictures and forget the recipe right away, hoping they will remember. Well looks like even they forget what with the many recipes that we try in a week's time. 
I know I am blogging back my Lunch Box Series after a long time. I feel sad that I no longer take the opportunity to share my lunch box. But with hubby dear packing his box again, here you go! But do excuse the shabby final picture I was naturally in a hurry!

So this recipe that I attempted from my files came out so well. I always remember the Rajma Masala that my friend's mom used to make and was never able to recreate at home. But this one came somewhat closest. Best part was my kids enjoyed this very much.

Step by Step pictures to make Rajma Masala

Have the masala, onion paste, tomato paste ready.
In a non stick pan, saute broken coriander seeds and cumin seeds.
Then saute onion paste, followed by ginger garlic paste.
Next goes the tomato paste.
Meanwhile mix the spice powders with water.
Soak the Rajma overnight but depending on your lentil it has be increased.
Pressure cook well and mash a spoon of lentils to thicken the gravy.
Add that to the pan
Continue cooking in sim till you see the mix well cooked.

Then add required amount of water and bring to boil. Then simmer for 10 mins for the gravy to thicken.
Rajma Masala Recipe

Ingredients Needed:

For cooking Rajma

Rajma - 1 cup
Red chili - 1/2 tsp
Salt - 1/2 tsp

For Masala:

Broken Coriander Seeds - 1/4 tsp
Cumin Seeds - 1/4 tsp
Onion paste - 2 medium
Ginger Garlic paste - 1/2 tsp
Tomato paste - 2 medium
Red chili powder - 1/2 tsp
Coriander powder - 1/2 tsp
Roasted Cumin powder - 1/4 tsp
Amchur powder - 3 pinches
Kitchen King Masala - 1/4 tsp
Garam Masala - 1/4 tsp
Turmeric powder a pinch
Salt to taste (remember to check and adjust)
Oil - 2 tsp
Coriander leaves, finely chopped - 2 tsp
Methi leaves (opt)

Method to prepare:

Soak Rajma over night. More if the variety you use takes longer time.

Drain away the water and pressure cook the Rajma with salt, 2 drops oil and Chili powder. Cook till it is tender. Keep it aside.

For the masala:

Make a paste of onions, get tomato puree separately. Keep it aside.

In a non stick pan, heat oil add cumin seeds, broken coriander seeds.

Once the cumin starts spluttering, add onion paste, then ginger garlic paste. Brown it well.

When onion paste has turned brown add finely chopped tomato. I normally add salt at this stage and cook it covered to aid the tomatoes to cook faster.

Saute till tomatoes are cooked and the oil starts coming out of the sides.

In a small cup take all the spice masalas - garam masala, turmeric, chili powder, kitchen king masala, amchur, coriander powder, cumin powder, add little water and make a paste.

Then add this paste to the tomato mixture. Continue cooking.

Add a ladle of cooked rajma and mash into the gravy. Cook for couple of minutes and then pour the remaining Rajma along with the water to this masala.

Keep it on simmer for at least half an hour, stirring from time to time. Top with chopped dhaniya and Dried Fenugreek leaves..

Serve with Plain Rice or Chapatis.

The Rajma I used took long time to get cooked. In fact we soaked it the previous afternoon. Kept changing the water.

Never use the water in which the lentil is soaked.

Since you are adding the cooked rajma to the gravy to make it thick, ensure it is cooked well.

The masala list seem more but it is worth all the trouble. Moreover all these masalas can be kept in freezer for longer shelf life.

I was very surprised how much the kids liked it. They had it with rice and wanted it again for dinner. While I had made Chapatis for our lunch. This went very well with both.

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