Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

Naan without Tandoor Oven | How to make Naan on Stove top | Step by Step Recipe

This is the second method of making Naans at home. As I said in my previous post on Baked Naans, the regular method I make Naans when I make it at home is normally on the Stove top. I have another recipe for making Naan on Stove top which is quite simple one. Whereas this recipe turns out little richer as I added butter to the dough.

When you are as fond of Naans as I am, then making these on the stove top will please you as nothing else. I really didn't find any difference in the taste or texture from the ones I made on the stove top and you can easily make anyone believe that you made it using a tandoor oven.

Please refer Baked Naans for pictorials on making the dough. In this post I will be posting only about how to make the Naans on the Stove top. Basically you can use two ways to do this.

Using Pressure Cooker bottom:

Prepare the dough as I have mentioned in the Baked Naans.

Roll them out and keep them ready.

Two already rolled out..
Apply water on the top surface.
Take a pressure cooker pan, invert to have the bottom facing you. Now lift the naan and place with the water applied side over the bottom. Meaning the side applied with water goes face down. It will get stuck or glued to the bottom and will not fall down. 

Switch on the burner, Take the pressure pan over it. Can you see the bubbles starting to get formed?
Take it further closer to get the entire area covered over fire. When the Naan gets cooked, the entire surface will be having brown spots like below.

Mostly when it is cooked on all spots, it falls off the pan. Else using a tong, remove it and show the side that was stick on the pan over the flame for further cooking.

 Cut into small pieces and apply butter over it when it is still hot!

Using Flat Cast Iron Skillet or Tawa.

Same as Pressure cooker, grease one side of the rolled out Naan. Stick the naan over the tawa and reverse over the flame. This is the ones we use to make Dosas or Chapathis.

The cooking method is the same, but cooking on tawa gets done faster. But take care not to use a non stick tawa or else you will end up spoiling by the direct flame.

3 Ways of Making Naan at Home
Baked Naans
Stove top Naans Recipe 1 or Stove top Naans Recipe 2 (this method)

Up coming next will be of course How to make Tawa Naan!

Have a great week ahead!

Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

How to bake Naan in Oven | Baked Naan | 3 ways of Making Naans at home | Step by Step Recipe

For all my love for Naan and Paneer Butter Masala, I don't make the Naan that often at home. The times I make, yes we really enjoy the wholesome feel it gives us. When we order North Indian Food, it is never anything else than Butter Naan for me, and hubby dear says I have influenced my kids to such levels that they don't anything else too. I reply saying Kids love the best things.

We don't eat out that often these days. But during the days we did, I could easily recommend whose Naan was best and where to get lip smacking Paneer Butter Masala. When it comes to Naans, hubby dear is even particular that we tuck it in the moment it lands on the table. Those pillows soft pristine specked with brown spots which gleam sparklingly the shiny butter, hot to touch, but soft as a feather disappearing the moment you put it in. Leaves you wondering where the entire piece disappeared.

I know I sound mean, but especially at such moments someone or the other will disturb me and I will be most reluctant to take my eyes off from the task at hand. Still there are few places that you can never forget, for me it used to be a small eatery joint near my old office. Used to go there for lunch and always used to order one dish Aloo Punjabi with Butter Naans. Later after marriage, I used to convince hubby dear to take me there for dinner. That's when I remember those soft delicious Naans.

Coming to the recipe at hand, since I don't have a Tandoori Oven, I always make it on stove top and I always get the restaurant effect. Since then I have always wanted to make a baked version and also Tawa version. I have already blogged one recipe made on the stove without the Tandoori Oven; I have used the same method using Pressure Cooker bottom or Tawa bottom. Depends on how you want to make you can.

This recipe is different meaning I have used a different proportion. Both recipes work out well.

Today's post will be featuring Baked Naan, since I took pictures of all the steps. Other two methods follow the same recipe.

Though I have baked a pizza base, which is also quite similar to the Naan recipe, pizza base gets a nice brown because of the cheese and other stuffs, while Naan is plain. Unlike the Tandoori Oven those brown spots are not formed, which is why I always make it on the stove top.

But since having an oven, wanted to give it a shot. This was a recipe shared by the MW Chef, I had made the Low Calorie Paneer Butter Masala with these Baked Naan.

 Take the flour in a bowl.
 Proof the Yeast in warm water.
Add the yeast mix to the flour
Followed by curds/Yogurt and butter.
Crumble together.
Continue kneading to form an elastic texture, dust your palm and continue kneading.
Until you get a soft pliable dough
Make into small balls and keep it aside.

If you keep it covered it works out better.
Over out into oval shaped Naans
All ready to be baked!
Baked for the first 3 minutes
Remove and turn over
After the next 3 minutes
Gone again for another 4 minutes
Finally all baked completely.

Baked Naan | Indian Microwave Convectional Recipe
Preparation Time : 15 mins
Resting Time : 1 -2 hrs
Baking Time : 10 mins in Convection Mode

Ingredients Needed:

All purpose flour / Maida - 2 cups
Dry Yeast - 1/2 tsp
Sugar - 1 tsp
Curds - 1 tbsp
Butter - 1 tbsp
Salt to taste
Water as required.

Method to prepare:

Proofing the Yeast:
Take the yeast in a cup; add the sugar and warm water. Cover with lid. After 10 minutes you will see all frothy texture on the top, don’t disturb. Keep it aside. This shows that yeast is still active.

In a wide bowl, take the flour, add the yeast mix. Then add the salt. butter and curds. Crumble well.  Slowly knead to soft pliable dough. Punch it well for couple of minutes.

Cover with a wet muslin cloth and keep it in a warm place for 1 -2 hrs. Once done, remove the cover, punch it down again.

Divide into small balls, dust it in flour. Roll them into oval shapes. Make the whole batch while the oven gets heated up. Pre heat the oven at 155 degree. 

Place the rolled out Naan on the tray, bake for 3 minutes. Remove, turn and continue baking for another 3 minutes. 

First time you will have to bake it for 6 mins, then for 4 more minutes. So total cooking time will be about 10 together. Though the bread will be baked, it won't be having those typical signs of a Tandoori Naan. 

Remove and quickly apply butter over the top.

Other Naan Recipes

Senin, 24 Januari 2011

Microwave Paneer Vegetable Rice | Step By Step Recipe to make Paneer Vegetable Rice in Microwave | Indian Microwave Recipe

When you think about making a Paneer Vegetable Rice, making it in microwave works out pretty good. As I have already said making a rice dish in microwave takes time but on the whole when you consider the texture and the time you get to attend to other chores, making a Rice dish sounds good.

Paneer Vegetable Rice goes great with Potato Peas Roast that was also made in Microwave. This is another of the recipes shared by the MW Chef. And make it quite often.

I met a reader of this blog yesterday and it was such a pleasant surprise. This was the first time I was meeting a person who reads this blog of mine other than my family and friends. Of course I have met my blogger friends. Meeting a reader is an altogether different thing, it puts lot of things into perspective. I have to thank R for her kind words and the appreciation she was so generous with. Though I know I don't get lot of comments from the readers, I was happy knowing what I write here is actually appreciated and beneficial. For that I am ever thankful. Thank you my dear readers!

Another exciting event for us was Konda's Cultural program. I took the day off to attend it and was at school quite early to get her dressed up for the program. It has been a different day of sorts. Never felt so relaxed and task less in long while! Well that only shows I ought to do this thing often.

Coming back to the recipe on hand, I hope you enjoy the step by step recipe!

Step by Step Recipe of making Paneer Vegetable Rice in Microwave.

In a microwave bowl, add the cubed paneer with a tsp of ghee
Chop onions and tomatoes, keep it aside.
Cube carrots and beans into 1 inch pieces.

Microwave paneer for 2 mins in microwave mode.

In a big bowl, add the oil and whole spices.
Next goes the onions..
Finally the tomatoes and chilies.
Followed by the ginger garlic paste.
Microwave for 10 mins.
Take it out and mash it well.

Add the vegetables and again microwave for 2 mins.
Remove and stir well with a ladle.
Add the chili powder and stir well.
Microwave for another 3 mins.
Add water and rice and microwave for 25 mins. It can be increased for 30 mins also.
In intervals of 10 mins, stir the bowl.
Next 10 mins..
Add Paneer pieces to rice.
After 10 min...
Stir well..

Final stage..once done cover with a lid.

Paneer Vegetable Rice in Microwave

Cooking Time - 45 mins in microwave mode
Serves - 5 -6 persons

Rice - 3 cups
Water - 6 cups
Paneer - 200 gms
Onions - 2 medium
Tomatoes - 2 medium
Green chilies - 2 long
Ginger Garlic paste - 1 tsp
Mixed Vegetable - 1 cup (I used Carrot and Beans)
Ghee - 1 tsp (opt)
Cinnamon - 3"
Cloves - 4
Fennel - 1/2 tsp
Red chili powder - 1 tsp
Salt to taste

Method to prepare:

Wash and soak rice for 30 to 1 hr. As you know cooking in microwave takes a longer time than in pressure cooker, so soaking for more time will always speedup the process

In a microwave safe bowl, take the cleaned and cubed Paneer pieces with 1 tsp ghee for 2 mins in microwave mode. Else you can also cook it for 5 mins in grill mode. Normally Paneer tends to get a little hard when you cook for more time in microwave mode directly.

Wash and chop the vegetables into 1 inch pieces, keep it aside.

In a big microwave safe bowl, take the oil, add the whole spices, then the onion julienne, slit green chilies, chopped tomatoes along with ginger garlic paste. Microwave for 10 mins.

Then add the chopped vegetables, to the above pan, micro for another 5 mins. Stop and stir after 2 mins. Add the Chili powder and continue cooking for the next 3 mins.

Add the rice along with measured water. Microwave for 25 mins. This takes about 25 to 30 mins to get cooked.

Please stop and stir at 10 mins interval. Add sauteed Paneer pieces to the Rice. In the final 5 mins interval, add the salt as salt needs to be added at the last stage in microwave cooking. Add a tsp of ghee if you so wish.

Sending this to Indrani who is guest hosting Microwave Easy Cooking event, themed on Combo Meals.

Sending along with this Rice, a Potato Peas Roast and Homemade Chocolates.