Selasa, 09 November 2010

An update...

With so many preparations for Diwali done at home, we finally never realized when it came and went! We plan something and something else, completely out of norm happens. Diwali wasn’t as grand as usual or as how we wanted it to be, with Peddu being down with fever. It’s been over ten days since he’s got fever. The reports are not clear enough to rule out Typhoid or just a viral fever; we are still waiting for the final report to come in, even as they started on Antibiotics and that has controlled his fever to great extent.

Its 4 days since we have been in the hospital. With Hubby dear shuttling around his work, home and hospital, I have completely taken off from work, trying to handle through phone calls. It’s been one hectic week that I can happily forget!

 I always wondered how one will spend the day off when the entire day is at one’s dispose. Believe me it is terrible. For one, it is extremely heartbreaking to tend to a sick child, who is happy one moment becomes cranky the next moment with the fever setting in. When the fever subsides, we have the TV for the entertainment. It has been ages since I have actually watched Tele. I was able to manage the TV dose only for a day. Finally hubby dear decided to get my laptop, hoping that it will give me company when Peddu sleeps.
We are hoping to get back home tomorrow. He didn't get fever since morning and his doctor was clear that he will not let us go home unless Peddu does not get temperature today and tomorrow. It was heart warming to see how well Chinnu was taking this separation from us. He has been on his best behaviour or so claims Athamma. While Konda is mature enough to understand still keeps asking when we will get back

My Sils’ families came to visit us for Diwali. It wasn’t much fun with Peddu being unwell. Still we wanted the rest of the kids to enjoy the day. They had sorts of celebration at home. But nobody had the mood to do much.

With guests visiting, Amma wouldn’t think of treating them with store bought stuff. I managed to pinch in when I could. It was the usual fair of Coconut Burfi, Panasa Thonalu , Mysore Pak and new dishes like Badusha.

I will write about the recipes once we get back home.

I have recorded how we have our Deepavali Celebrations every year, it makes me sad there isn't a post this year to mark the occasion. But more important than that we will have celebrations when we get back home with Peddu all well.

Do share in your diwali celebrations. With the whole time on hand, I would surely love to read elaborately on every note.

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