Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010

Potato Peas Mini Samosa | How to make Mini Samosas | Step By Step Samosa Recipe

One of the many things I love about my city is its unpredictable weather at this time of the year. It can be quite hot during the day and without a clue it will pour. Literally the downpour will be so much that you can’t believe it was scorching hot minutes ago. Even more exciting will be when you are on a bike. One moment you can feel the sharp drops hitting you, within minutes the sky will be clear. If like me, you love getting drenched in rain, then I am sure you will love the experience. Everyday Athamma will remind me to carry my raincoat; I cite my rush hour for forgetting to carry and get back home fully drenched.

Chill rainy evenings are when you would want to bite into hot spicy pakodas or samosas. When I think of samosas, I can feel so many fond memories washing by. Samosas are my all time anytime favorite thing. Infact there was a time when if offered at anytime I was all ready to eat it.  I think I spoke about the samosas we used to get from my College canteen. The stuffing was with onions and the outer crispy part was so greasy all the time. Yet it used to be so delicious.

Infact the samosas that I used to make at home was so perfect with no traces of oil, yet I loved the shopwala one better. Don’t we all do that! That reminds me of the article I was reading today on deep frying. The article spoke about things I always believed in. It was about how deep fried food should not be actually greasy. If it is greasy, it means it wasn’t cooked at the right temperature. This applies to frying pooris too. When you get the oil to the right temperature and fry them, the pooris are never oily.

Coming to the Samosas, Amma told me that Konda asked her for Samosas and that she planned to make it for the evening. She asked me if I cared to join her in making them. Well I didn’t need a second invitation. She was planning to make Potato Peas stuffing and was remembering the many occasions when I used to make it years ago. There is no time like cooking together. I have always enjoyed cooking with Amma. The tidbits she shares, the stories we remember from past. The events related to the dish we are cooking, everything comes to mind and we ponder over each and savour the moment all over again. I am looking forward to the time when Konda will join us.

For the recipe part, we normally used to make it with only All purpose flour. But we thought we could make it a bit healthier by making it more of Wheat flour and a bit of APF in it. I am hoping to make the other stuffing we make too. Since this was for the kids, we made it mini sized ones.

I always felt it very hard to explain the folding while making a samosa, so felt taking in steps will be much clearer!

Ok I guess its enough right, I usually keep to two but these were really so cute in all different angles I couldn't resist sharing them!

Boil the potatoes and get the stuffing ready!

 Divide the dough into small equal balls.

Dust the rolling board and roll it out to a thin layer

Using a knife, cut vertical strips like this. We made even thinner ones for smaller Samosas.

Scoop a teaspoon of stuffing and place on the dough as shown in the picture.

Well one is already done!

First start from one side.

Press it done to ensure the stuffing is fully covered.

Turn to the other side like in the picture.

Continue folding the stuffing on both sides.

You will almost reach the end soon..
Then shape them correctly making sure nothing peeps out!

Heat a pan with oil. Once the oil is hot, reduce the flame, cook on low flame till it is golden in colour.

Cook on both sides.

Potato Peas Mini Samosas

For the dough/Outer Layer

Wheat flour – 1 cup
All purpose flour/ Maida – ½ cup
Salt to taste
Oil – 1 tsp

For the Stuffing

Potatoes – 250 gms
Fresh Peas – ½ cup
Onions – 1 medium
Cumin Seeds 1 tsp
Salt to taste
Green Chilies -1
Milk  ½ cup

For more spicy stuffing

Red chili powder ½ tsp
Garam Masala – ½ tsp
Roasted Cumin powder – ½ tsp
Oil – 1 tsp

Oil for deep frying

Method to prepare

For the dough

In a bowl, take both the flours and mix well. Slowly add water to knead into a stiff dough.  Rest it aside covering it with a wet muslin cloth.
For the stuffing
Boil potatoes to soft, peel and mash well.

Heat a pan with oil, sauté onions till brown along with green chilies. Then add the peas, fry well. Add milk and cook till the peas are done. This needs to be done in low flame.

Then add the mashed potatoes. Add the rest of the ingredients if you want to make it spicier. Simmer with lid covered for 5 mins.

Remove and allow cooling.

For making the Samosas

Pinch out small equal balls from the dough. Roll out one ball into thin layer, cut vertically into small strips of 3” as shown in the picture.

Scoop small portions of the stuffing on each layer.

Starting from the end closer to you, roll it diagonally over the stuffing. Press the sides. Then fold the layer upward towards the left. Continue doing this till you are completely done.

Then press the sides to make sure there are no openings left. Seal by pressing the sides into small triangle shape.

Meanwhile heat the pan with oil. When it reaches the right temperature, lower the flame.

Always fry in small batches so that the temperature is always at the correct degree. Gently slide the samosas and fry them in low flame. Flip and cook on both sides.

When you see that golden colour on the samosas, you are sure its done.

Drain on a kitchen towel.

Stuffing can be very innovative as per your liking. Check out the Keema Samosa that I did many months ago.

Notes: For that crispy outer layer, frying it at the right temperature is very important. If the oil is too hot, the dough tends to get browned very quickly and soggy within minutes.

The wheat flour didn’t make this any less tasty. Infact it was as crisp as the regular one. I made the stuffing spicier for hubby dear.

Kids enjoyed every bite of these mini samosas.

Konda was telling me that I should next make with other stuffing. What stuffing do you remember when you think of samosas?

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