Jumat, 11 Juni 2010

Baigan 65 / Baingan 65 ~ Another Deep fried Love!

It can't get any better, seriously. Since Sunday the climate has been so awesome, drizzling most of the time. How different it was from last week, it was scorching hot, sweating profusely, panting for breath. While this week it was simply too wonderful for words. Such days makes you feel lazy, wanting for scrolls that you can take imaging yourself transported to a hill station. Well reality shows something different. Our roads hardly suit for a stroll nor for a leisure outing.

Anyways we are enjoying till it lasts. We went for a Tamil movie Singam and had a fun time feeling the flying experience. Konda was literally rolling over the antics and thoroughly enjoyed herself. Luckily it didn't rain while we ventured out. With the weather being so good, you obviously crave for hot snacks. But I wasn't really in the mood to prepare anything.

It was at that strategical moment I got a call from Amma that she made something she happened to read about. On closer look, the dish surely looked like baigan and knew it was deep fried. It beckoned us to promptly eat, but I exercised a bit of refrain and controlled enough to click few pictures. So don't blame if the pictures are not clear enough to make you drool, but the taste is sure enough.

I asked Amma about the name, she said it is called Baingan 65 and has no clue why the 65 was tagging along the name. Who really cares? The dish is simple enough and tasty. Of course you got to first have deep fried love okay!

Baingan 65

To be deep fried

Brinjal - 250 gms
All purpose flour/ Maida - 3 tsp
Besan / Gram flour - 2 tsp
Red chili powder - 1 tsp
Garam Masala - 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste
Oil for deep frying

To be fried

Green chilies, slit - 3 nos
Cumin Seeds - 1 tsp
Curds/ Yogurt - 1/2 cup
Oil - 1/2 tsp

Method to prepare:

Wash and cut the brinjal into long pieces. In a bowl, mix the flours along with red chili powder, salt, turmeric, garam masala along with brinjals. Sprinkle just enough water to get the flour stick to the baigans.

Heat a pan with oil, deep fry the baigans till crispy. Remove, keep aside.

Heat another pan with 1 tsp of oil, add slit green chilies, cumin seeds. When the cumin seeds starts crackling, add the curds, and cook till it thickens. Ensure the flame is low.

When the curds is almost done, add the fried brinjals and continue cooking till it becomes dry.

Serve hot with sauce. You really don't need the sauce, believe me!
The brinjal doesn't get soft because you got to really cook the curds and then add the fried brinjal

Especially when you saute the green chilies and they almost loose their spice level, it tastes really delicious!

Best way to eat I would vouch, is to take a bite of the green chili along with the baingan!

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