Jumat, 16 April 2010

Celebrating Three Years Blogging with Thanda Mela Event!

Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons...

Every day is important and every minute spent rightly is worth you many memories. Still some days are more important than others. Like your birthdays or anniversaries. It's on that day you embarked on a new journey, a journey of a lifetime. Each journey makes you what you are. And on this day three years back, I created a space which has come to mean so much to me.
When I was addressed by an acquaintance as 'Oh Cooking 4 all Seasons' Srivalli' recently, I didn't know if I should be upset or elated with the reaction. Well I choose to be elated about it. What is better than celebrating with friends the day I created this blog. To celebrate my first anniversary I had Dosa Mela, followed by 6 different themes. Each mela was an instant hit with entries that left me spell bound.

Due to various reasons, I stopped after Mango Mela, which happened July 2009. Ever since I have been asked so many times by friends and readers when I was going to have the next Mela. One of the biggest constraint was having a rhyming name. I have been dallying around with themes and names. I knew I was nearing the date for this announcement and I had to hit on an apt name. As I was running short of ideas, I even asked Alka to suggest some names. Then I was pestering hubby dear since yesterday. I think out of sheer frustration he finally hit on a name. He just said have Thanda Mela!

Before going into the details of the event, I would like to thank all my readers, friends who have supported me and my work. I really wish for once all my lurking readers de lurk and give me their feedback and suggestions. I would love to get fresh ideas to improve and make this space more interactive.
So thank you everybody for letting me share.

Now for the Thanda Mela details!

Ok, to give you an idea on how many entries I am expecting, here is the data on the past Melas.

Dosa Mela got about 200 entries
Roti Mela got about 280 entries
Curry Mela got about 350+
Rice Mela got about 350+
Mithai Mela got about 320+
Mango Mela got about 160

From now till May 31st 2010, post any dish that is served cold, be it sweet or spiced on your blog.

Link back to this announcement is mandatory as it will help spread the news.

Multiple entries are accepted, infact would be glad to get all different dishes that you have already posted. But please update the post with this post link.

When I said spiced dish, I refer to cold soups etc. To be more specific you can send in Refreshments, Smoothies, Shakes, Ice creams, Cold Payasams and anything and everything that you may serve cold!

Please fill in the details in the event form. I have sent auto notification, and will be checking on everyday basis. So you need not worry about the entry not reaching me.

Still you can contact me through mail if you have a doubt.

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