Rabu, 10 Februari 2010

Lunch Box Series : LBS#56 ~ Cabbage Rice Recipe

It was one of those days when I hadn't planned the menu. Yes it happens frequently in a week. I am going back on my organized ways and it again becomes hectic. I slept late, still couldn't get much of a sleep which resulted in me being up very early. I suddenly felt I didn't know what I was going to cook. I thought I might as well make use of the time and check out some new Rice dish. Knowing the fridge was practically empty didn't help either.

But there is never a time, when we don't stock cabbage. This, French beans, Carrot are eternal friends for life in our dear fridge, and spend many a comfy days together in the cold compartments of, now what I fridge I have?. Anyway that is immaterial right now. Remembering that big chuck of Cabbage in the vegetable rack, with nothing specific, I thought I should check on Viji. Immediately saw she had posted a cabbage rice. Clicking that took me to Madhu's Cabbage rice on Beyond Curries. Well I remembered thinking I should make when Madhu posted this. Thanks Viji and Madhu for the inspiration.
Cabbage Rice

Seeing two adaptations of the same one, decided I can as well adapt a new version myself. I read it once, knowing very well that I can hardly ever remember a recipe on the first read. The only recipes that I know as well like my back of hand, are those favorite few that are frequently made at home. Those that I can make with eye blindfolded or in dreams. Well not exactly, but you got the meaning right.

Anyway on top this recipe was simple, simple enough for me to change. After the usual hangama that happens in our household on a weekday, I finally got around making this rice. It was a major hit at office, if I have to confess not eating more than few morsels myself. I was happy to know that I have another Rice variety now to make. And of course, this got hubby dear approval too, so you can be sure it will get made again.


Cabbage Rice a.ka. Cabbage Carrot Rice
    as I added equal amount of carrot too!

Soaking time for Rice : 15 mins
Preparation of Rice : 10 mins
Preparation for making the Cabbage Rice : 20 mins.
Serves : 3

Ingredients Needed:

For Rice

Sona Masuri Rice -1 cup
Coconut paste - 2 tsp
Ghee - 1 tsp
Cumin Seeds - 1/2 tsp
Clove - 2
Cinnamon - 2"
Salt to taste

For Ground Masala:

Coriander Leaves - 1 cup, loosely packed
Coconut - 2 tbsp
Green Chili - 1 long
Ginger - 2"
Clove - 1
Cinnamon - 1"

For Gravy:

Onions - 1 juliennes
Bengal Gram - 1 tsp
Mustard, Urad dal - 1 tsp
Green Chilis - 2 medium
Cabbage - 1 cup. shredded
Carrot - 1 - 2 medium
Salt to taste
Oil - 2 tsp

Utensils used : Non Stick pans with lid.

Method to prepare:

Wash and soak rice for 15 mins. Meanwhile shred the cabbage and carrot to very fine.

To prepare the Rice:

Heat a non stick pan with ghee. Sauté the cloves, cinnamon and cumin seeds. Drain the rice from water and add to the pan. Sauté well on sim. Allow to get coated with ghee for 2 mins. Then add 2 and 1/4 cup of water along with salt. Cover it with lid. Bring it to boil, then simmer until done. You can stir through the rice using a fork.

To prepare the ground masala:

Wash and chop the coriander leaves. Grind it to a smooth paste along with the rest of the ingredients using little water. Keep it aside.

To assemble the rice:

Heat another wide mouthed pan with oil. Add the Bengal gram, Mustard, Urad dal. After a min, add the onions and sauté well till they are turning brown. Add the ground masala. Cook till the oil starts coming out of the sides.

Add the shredded cabbage and finely chopped carrot along with green chilis. Next goes the salt. Mix well and cover with lid. Cook for 10 mins. When you see that cabbage is cooked, add the rice and mix well.

Once all the rice is mixed, cover with lid and cook for 3 -4 mins. Switch off and transfer to serving bowl.

Tastes great with cucumber raitha.


If you are using Basmati rice, use 1:1 ratio of water. I used a really long chili which was very spicy. So adjust as per the chilis you use. This can be done with just cabbage too, but for making this more healthy and colourful, I added Carrots.

You can microwave cabbage for 5 mins, to have par boiled cabbage. This way you can further reduce the cooking time. Moreover carrot tastes better when it is still crunchy. So don't cook the carrots for long.

Enjoy this simple dish for your packed Lunch as we did.

So what did you cook today?

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