Kamis, 31 Desember 2009

Memories the Essence of Life ~ Best of 2009!

Memories are like shades that we walk under,
from the scorching sun or pouring rain,
you always have something over your head
to keep you going....

The best part of 2009 on personal has been that, I have started recording my thoughts and emotions that hit me at the most unexpected moment! I really wish at those times that I had recorder that can record the thoughts that flow..but then again..

When 2009 started I was full of hopes that this year would see the light of my cookbook. Somehow it was to happen in 2010. I was happy that I was atleast able to release a smaller version in eBook format that gave me hopes of a good on in happening.

Though the year has been the fastest one ever to be remembered, it brought along many moments to cherish and celebrate. My parents came back to India, we celebrated our 10th anniversary, I got a nephew and my boys got their admission in a school near by. So many highlights on the personal front.

In blogging front, I was able to write about Diabetes with Dad's help. celebrated the first year of Spice your Life. I am hoping that blog will get more patronage as this one. I am sure it will take off in the new year. I have many plans for it still. But of course the best part was starting Indian Cooking Challenge, which has over 100 members and all of us learn cooking traditional Indian dishes!

I started the year with My Legume Love affair and ending it with the same event.

Then I talked about Menu planning and I had a planner up which many readers asked for and said it was useful for them.

The year was active with quite a few events being held. After My Legume Love affair, it was Meeta's MM, then my own Melas of Mango and Sweets!

With Sia saying she wanted contribution for a blog that would talk beyond everything on Indian Cuisine, we came about a group Blog called Beyond Curries.

Then I had one of a kind experience by cooking for over 100 ppl along with my colleagues for my office anniversary celebration. It was beyond words to explain we shared.

When once it was a easy task, now turned into an impossible situation. That is cooking, clicking and posting on the same day. But I managed somehow with the Navratri Celebrations.

Though I would have wanted to do more posts, I found myself cooking our regular and repeated stuff on daily basis. So my plans include making new ones coming year.

On a personal level, I have more projects thought out for myself. I will be talking about them of course!

When I sit back to think on what and how I have progressed in thought process, the most significant one would be that I started thinking more positively about everything. Memories seem to be the most prominent of all. Like a sponge sucking everything, my mind seem to gasp whatever that comes up. I know it's the right way. Will write about it more in detail.

With this and the thoughts that my project takes wings soon, I take leave. I sincerely thank all my readers who have supported my dreams and make this space very dear to me. I hope I can continue receiving it in coming years too.

Traditions are what makes this life more meaningful. I hope with this a new one is formed.

I wish all my readers and friends a very happy New Year

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