Senin, 07 September 2009

A revisit to Kala Chana Aloo Sabzi ~ Black Chickpea Potato Gravy with pictures!

The day was sunny and all, not the gloomy mornings of last week. Though I had plans to wrap my morning chore well ahead to have an early start, it again failed! And after my late night discussion with Athamma, which went way beyond 12.30 in the night, we have plans of cooking something new every week. Yaay! Discussions like such with Athamma is always bound to be interesting. And I managed to make her remember few authentic recipes.

Sunday was fun, if you think cooking only Maggi is! Kids are so fond of Maggi, that given that for all meals they happily eat without any complaints. How I really wish they treat all else in the same eye. I really wonder what Maggi has that caught these toddlers fascination. I was never a Maggi lover, though I won't say no for Top Raman. But then even that Amma used to give me very rarely. I tried hard to avoid this for Konda, was successful to some extent. But with the boys, its so hard. Chinnu is so excited saying that word out. He with his sturdy and composed way of saying out words, makes sure he gets it out clearly and correctly that he wants Maggi.


So when he skipped his dinner on Saturday and refused to eat his favorite Poori, hubby dear suggested that I at least try Maggi, to at least feed him something. I was thinking maybe he is feeling under the sun and won't want it but I was wrong. He was as excited as always on hearing the word Maggi. Would you believe it, when one morning that I made Maggi for Konda, the maggi was all done and eaten. But on waking up, he came running to kitchen and asked if I made Maggi, cos he smells of Maggi! Well Maggi sure has its fan club strong.

Finally I made Maggi for their breakfast. Why wasn't I surprised when all 3 of them rhymed to say they wanted it again for their lunch? Guess I knew it all along. Since we used up everything on stock, I had to go shopping and got a whole lot more to last us few more days. Plus, I did my vegetable shopping after a long time. I was happy having my entire week's menu all planned, at least in mind. Because it changed the very first day itself! But then plans are bound to change right. Though the thought that I have fresh vegetables stocked makes me feel happy. And yes, the changed menu today gave me another post for my lunch box series!

Enough of my rambling, guess what, I finally got around making Kala Chana Aloo Sabzi with Pooris, that too for our Sunday breakfast. I was only too glad that Chinnu, Peddu were distracted enough to let me click few pictures of it finally and update the post!


I promise to be back with some recipe, hopefully! Until then, heres wishing you all for a great week ahead! Hope my US readers enjoyed their long weekend!

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