Senin, 01 Juni 2009

Jackfruit Seeds n Potato Kurma!

Its not everyday you feel its special or remarkable in someway. Today is Amma's birthday and the school reopened for Konda. She is going to the fourth std. Its like I can still remember my first day at school on going to the fourth. Its also remarkable in a way that I am writing this without sleep for the last 24 hrs. Hubby dear has not been keeping well and Peddu got the viral infection now. He didn't sleep a wink the entire night. And I had to complete the cooking as Konda had to take her lunch before getting to office.

We shudder thinking of how even more hectic things are going to be. Though I couldn't find time to go hug Amma as I love doing, she came to see me before I could leave. She made her customary Gulab Jamun and Bellam annam. Wow, those are things from my childhood too. For all birthdays she makes sure Gulab Jamuns gets done. Its surprising that I have never done it myself. Maybe one of these days, I should. With the taste of the dusky jamuns and delicious bellam annam, I flew to office, yeah on my bike!


Today's post is going to be about my favorite nut, the Jackfruit nut. I used to simply love these during my childhood. Summers were spent chopping off big fruits and distributing to friends. Every year, we used to get about 3 or 4 big jackfruits from Dad's friends and it was task to cut them and do the honours. Over the years, the job got designated to others, of course. But its like the feeling of never forgetting the smell that sneaks from the gunny bag that covers a ripe jackfruit, once a lover of it, always marked for like! I love everything made from it.

Now we hardly prefer handling the hassle of dealing a big fruit. So Hubby dear gets the packed fruits these days. I saved up the nut inside to make the crispies or made a gravy with it. Finally ended up making this gravy, though I remember Amma adding this to Sambar. The crunchy taste you get biting into the hard nut is not something you can express!


Before that I am sure you would want to check out these beautiful Jower appeys!

Ingredients Needed:

Jackfruit Seeds - 10
Potato - 1 medium
Onion - 1 medium
Tomatoes - 2 medium
Ginger garlic paste - 1/2 tsp
Clove, Cinnamon, Cardomon powder - 1/2 tsp
Chili powder - 1 tsp
Coriander powder - 1 tsp
Salt to taste
Oil - 2 tsp
Dry Coconut powder - 2 tsp
Coriander leaves few

Method to prepare:

Wash and peel off the outer skin from the jack fruit seeds. Peel the potatoes. Pressure cook till they are soft but not mushy.

Heat a pan with oil. Saute the chopped onions till brown. Then add the ginger garlic paste.

Once the raw smell leaves, add the tomatoes with all the spice powders and salt. Simmer for 5 mins with covered lid.

Then add in the cooked potatoes and jack fruit seeds. Mix well. Add in the dry coconut powder, combine everything well and add 1 cup of water.

Bring to boil and add the coriander leaves. Simmer for 10 mins till you get a thick gravy.

We made it little thick as it was served with the rotis, you can make thinner also.

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