Senin, 25 Mei 2009

Announcing Mango Mela!

I know I know, I am still getting entries for the Mithai Mela from bloggers who decided its better late than never! I can never say no to entries, after all there is something called life right, and life out of blogging does exist. So what you forgot to send in at the right time?

Before that, I wanted to share my excitement in getting featured in The Hindu. My recipe, another version of Andhra Chicken Roast, got published this weekend and I was all too trilled getting so many calls from friends who read about it. Some from friends who didn't know about my blogs existence, so it sure was an interesting thing to discuss with them.

Coming back to the Mela, I know its hideous to think of another event, while Mithai Mela is still not done. I am hoping to post the round up by the first week of June.

I want us to bask in the glory of season and that being the Mangoes it naturally calls in for a mela. I have not really thought if I would want to accept entries of non food types, but if you feel you can't cook anything with Mango but good at Art, well I am fine with that too.

I want us to really enjoy Mangoes in all forms!

Here’s how it works:

1. From now till July 10th 2009, cook any dish with Mango as the main ingredient and post on your blog with a link back to this announcement and use the logo.

2. Please make sure you rename the picture with your Name and the dish name. I would like it in this format please if its not a tough thing eg: "Blogger Name's Dish Name"

3. Entries sent to Mango Mela can be entered to other events.

4. If you are not able to make anything in time, you may send your entries from Archives, provided they are reposted as New!

5. Once done, you can send in your entries to with the following details

Sub: Mango Mela
Blogger name
Post URL
Recipe name

7. Non bloggers can send their entry with the recipe details and pic, if any to my email acct.

Expecting lot of mango mania!

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