Rabu, 25 Maret 2009

Ginger Tomato Chutney ~ Allam Pachadi!

When life offers lemon, go make lemonade is what is told. Well being an Indian, I might just pickle it alright! But to be frank, I neither like Lemon pickle nor lemonade, much rather prefer lemon juice with more sugar, if you must know! Then again I wasn't offered with many lemons, nor a pickling is in process. Rather I found myself with lots of Ginger! Grreee...Whatever be said, I don't actually like munching on a ginger bit, aptly said in Tamil, which translates to "like the monkey that ate the ginger"! Anyway the weekend I went shopping, got more ginger than I could use and found it lying around in the fridge. Since the week was kind of hectic that I could not get around making the ginger garlic paste, most of my curries took a different turn the whole week, what with being ground to paste along with onions, garlic and of course the ginger.

The dishes which demands ginger to be added, else be doomed, will have me chopping them into as big ones as possible. Well I know they always land in my plate, so I might make things easy for myself. After all I assume, whatever good it has to offer, it would've infused while it was getting sauteed in oil. Having said that, you won't find me adding this to any chutney that I might end up eating. But, since this wasn't for me and I have my folks health in the utmost of my thoughts, felt I needed to give them something good with ginger. The devil in me, oops..the angel beg your pardon, wanted to try something different. And thus I have something interesting to share with you.

The fact that hubby dear said it was delicious, is a bonus, I tell you! Afterall we do things to please our family right, no matter our thoughts run around the lines of something new every day.

According to me, a dish gets its name from two pointers. One its named after its main ingredient or by its Star ingredient. So when I was faced with the difficult task of christening this dish, I decided to go by choosing its star ingredient. I can't fathom how a chutney with just ginger might taste. I really can't find myself ever tasting it, so I won't be in a position to tell you!

Ingredients Needed:

Tomatoes - 2 medium
Onion - 1 medium
Ginger - 3 - 4 " (less/ more as per your taste)
Red chilli powder - 1 & 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste
Coriander leaves few

For seasoning

Oil - 1 tsp
Mustard seeds
Curry leaves

Method to prepares:

Chop tomatoes, onions to big chunks and saute in oil till brown. Allow it to cool

In a mixie, add the tomatoes, onions, finely chopped ginger, along with coriander leaves, red chili powder and salt.

Heat a pan and temper the chutney with mustard and curry leaves.

Tastes great with Dosa or Idli.

FYI: my folks said it tasted great, and I trust their taste a lot, so do try this if you haven't already!

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