Senin, 09 Februari 2009

My Legume Love Affair ~ Seventh Helping Round up Part 2!

Well perfect plans are sometimes bound to go wayward! That's what happened. I had planned for many more legume entries myself, in the end posting only few. But when this is an on going event, I don't think I got to worry much. This month its hosted by Susan herself! So get on with your thinking caps and create new ones!

Lets proceed with the part 2 of this wonderful event. Here we have dals, Sambars, rice and other very interesting dishes made with legumes as the main start!

And of course the wonderful bloggers who sent in multiple entries, they have their entries are complied in one place!

And yes, I know you are waiting for me to announce the winner of the lucky pick. You can scroll down to check out the winner.
First please check out the entries


First we have the enticing Sambars.

With this Killi Potta Sambar, Kayal celebrates a small milestone! Well if that Sambar tastes as sound as it sounds, I am sure it calls for a celebration anytime too!

Then we have a delicious Butternut Squash Sambar from Lisa. It stands proof to how one can fall all over in love again with this lentil soup. Though this gets as common as any other, it can still hold your fantasy for ever!

Her lovely picture caught my attention, no doubt yours too. And I was drooling for while before could get on to read what it was. Mahimaa's Express Tomato Sambar, sets to seduce one and all who come its way, am sure it tastes great even as such!

This Bean Sambar is something new and it was interesting to note the way Poonam has prepared it. As kids they enjoyed the varieties that their mom used to prepare and its nice that she wants to recreate that magic!

If you are bored with making sambar with the same old regular dals, then you got to head to over Suma's platter! She sure made an impact with her Kala Chana Sambhar, where the kala chana leads its mystic taste to the sambar, though some find it hard to call it one!

Finally lets have the spices led its magic touch! With this Arachu Vitta Sambar from Vibaas, we get to know the finest taste of spices giving to the lentils.

I am sure you all love the thick dals! So lets see what have come to the party!

With her aversion to sambar, Bee almost missed tasting this delightful Gongura dal, when she was leafing through a cookbook. But being mystified by the ingredients, she sets out to prepare a dal that was truly impressive, I can actually feel the taste through their beautiful picture!

Then we have Laura muses from her kitchen and talks about this wonderful red and yellow dal that she tries from a cookbook. She is happy that it came out tastier than expected.

Next we find Lubna turning to this nutritious dal when she is rushed for a quick dish for rotis. With just few additions, this dal takes us to sublime levels and no doubt has a big fan fare!

From an authentic Oriyan blog comes this wonderful dish made with not 1 or 2 but 7 different legumes. I simply loved drooling over the simplicity and reading the scenic post as narrated by the author, I can imagine how prestigious it is to be part of a legendary foodies.

Out from her hideout comes Pavani, packed with two wonderful dishes. First being the every body's favorite Dal Makhani. Who won't love it, if it looks anything like Pavani's, really drool worthy. And second a protein packed baby food. All you new mothers out there, you know where to head now!

Not only does she share great stories from her kitchen, PG gets into the chemistry and biology of taste and in the process shares so much wealth of knowledge. I never knew the latest identified sensation, anyways I was rather taken in by her soul comforting Daal!

This delicious Dal Tadka is not something you can miss. Poornima gets us a lovely bowl of this along with hot pulkas, what else can you ask for!

Simple dal as most would say, is our comfort food. Yet every picture I see makes it even more appealing than before. Sneh's Dhuli, though a term I haven't heard before shows the dal at its best!

Then we have two dals making way from Sudeshna. You can catch her cooking at the Bengali Cuisine and this time she comes out with her family favorite Masur Dal. Dal, she says is very integral to her family meals. Imagine her mom cooking all sorts of varieties with the humble dal. I can only imagine taste of this dal from the looks of it!

Ok, the beauty of getting an authentic entry, is I end up learning so much about the history and culture behind the dish. And this Takra Dal is one such dish.

Next we find SuperChef wanting to cook a Punjabi khana and who can say no! She reads cookbooks as novels, I guess that's the first sign of being a foodie. When she was struck with a need to eat some authentic Punjabi khana, she finds herself preparing this lovely feast. The Lahori Dal is a comfort any season!

This delicious dal made with the Panchratna, comes from the Queen of her kitchen, Supriya. She says she now finds herself cooking more often with her pressure cooker and wonders why when its not even new! Well I guess its because its efficient and saves time and you can spend enjoying this lovely dal!

A Scrumptious meal is never complete if you haven't started it off with this Katti paruppu. No matter which South Indian region you belong to, its a must. And Varsha gives a wonderful peek into the lovely and delicious feast that's called as Sadya and yes, you really can't get up!..:)

Finally from the creator of this beautiful event Susan, comes an entry that sure takes your breath away. The beautiful tadka, goes to prove that Susan is infact a well seasoned cook. She recreates a dal with Masoor blending Green Mango and coming out with a dish that's the ultimate comfort food for many!

Cooking one pot meals are always convenient, and when you can pack protein with it, nothing like it!

First on the list is this delicious sounding biryani that Hema tries from a fellow blogger and is more than happy with the delicious result. This biryani which has peas and paneer and goes with the name dum biryani, is sure to be a treat!

Next we have Indy making this Toor Dal Khichidi for his wife, in the hope to compensate the love his wife has for the Mexican rice and beans. The lovely picture is proof enough for anybody to love this Khichidi

Having a passion to legumes, lentils, Jayasri is thrilled that she will get to know more varieties. We are too and her methi lentil pulav is as innovative as it can get to!

If you have never seen fresh chickpea, then this post from LG will be enlightening. This is the first time I am seeing a chickpea pod and it very interesting to note that we can do so many yummy treats like LG's Lemon Rice with Chickpea!

Then we have Namrata trying her bookmarked recipe and finally getting around making it. She was attracted to it by its tempting picture, I can understand how it must have been. This pulao is very healthy as it combines both sprouted moong with spinach.

Pallavi brings along another quintessential Bisi Bele Bath. I simply love this dish and feel elated with the variety each entry brings in. Its not a wonder that Pallavi also loves this as she feels its quick to make, yet very healthy.

We have Preety saying she loves pulao. So when she has some leftover chickpea on hand, she had to try this delicious Chickpeas Tomato Pulao. She was happy it turned out yummy!

Suma Rajesh always wanted to make Vegetable khichidi and was asking many of her friends on their versions. When she finally attempted it, she knew its going to be a constant one on her table. Now who won't want this khichidi if it looked anything like that!

On her recent trip to her native, Suma found herself scribbling all the recipes of the yummy food she was treated too. Back home, she found herself with a big bunch of those notes, from the treasure trove, she selects this delicious Moong Bean Khichadi for a treat to remember her vacation!

Now we have some interesting dishes that can be grouped or can be lone in its category!

First we have Ramki contributing his wonderful one page compilations. The simple South lentil recipes and 1001 curries with coconut and lentil sure are a great ready reckons to have on hand!

Then we have three wonderful Gun powders making its way. I meant the spice powders that are integral part of South Indian Cooking.

First we have one aromatic Coriander Bengal gram mix! I am a big fan of these powders and getting Kalva's entry, adds another list to my already big one. She shares this delicious creation of her Mom's and I am sure it tastes heavenly as Mom's recipes are supposed to be so!

Nags comes with a beautiful picture with the famed Andhra Kandi podi. She says its her dad's favorite, who keeps asking for more! Well now that our dear Nags has set up her own, she will not have any hassles coming out for the request!

Though I have always used and loved Horse gram, I never knew one could make a spice powder out of it until Vyshnavi sent in her Kollu podi. The ingredient list is so less, yet I am sure it can take your taste sense to a higher level!

Then we have two lovely non veg dishes being sent, I was surprised that chickpea make a great combo with chicken!

I guess we go to confirm necessity is the mom of new dishes. For HomeCooked it proved correct, with what to cook syndrome taking charge, she wanted to try a dish that sounds interesting and very new. She pairs Choloe with chicken to make a Murgh Chole!

Meeta is cleaning out and its natural to feel little down. The lovely memories associated with those things are hard to overlook. So a comfort meal is what was required to perk up her spirit and those lovely Naans and a Spicy Chicken Legumes with Pinto Beans and Chickpeas, is just right for the Soul!

Then we have one course dinners making its way!

Amy makes a delicious dinner with Couscous and Lentil. She worries on the picture not being very picturesque! First thing, I don't think so, second when the food is really as yummy as she says, we really don't care about it right!

Reading Andrea's account of those lazy breakfast, that are intimate, pajama-clad portrait as she says, had me going to a different world. And the entry she sent in are really tempting for a person who doesn't eat egg! So I am sure you would enjoy her Lentil and Wild Mushroom Hash with Poached Eggs

For a noble cause Anudivya gets into art of baking a bread. Well this time, she had all of us go gagga over her No-Knead Garbanzo and Fava Bean Bread. It looks beautiful, am sure it tasted great. She is always on the run to get very innovative, yet healthy dishes out in her blog!

Getting an entry from other cuisines are always so interesting. So I was all ready to get a visual treat when Cathy sent in her dish. I wasn't disappointed and learnt some while reading her stories! This apple glazed lentil that she serves along with Pan-fried Ocean Trout sounds very mystic!

Christine brings in a beautiful tofu puff stuffed with Romano beans. She was eager sending in an entry for the legume love affair the previous edition. I guess I am lucky she got her act on time with this yummy treat!

Cristie in her mail said her family thought the Black bean and banana empanadas, that she made were terrific! I thought too, after one look her picture. It was wonderful visiting her space and getting to know this new way of cooking black bean!

And yes we finally have a sweet indulgence!

I wish I could see a picture of this lovely lentil dessert that Bird's Eye View sent in. The way she goes about her mom being curious in recreating dishes to the way she finally makes this dessert, sounds very interesting to make us want to attempt at this dish!

This very innovative sweet comes from Chitra, a halwa with Peas. I didn't think one could make with peas, but she just proved me wrong! From a non blogger to a food blogger, I knew she will make it great when she had sent in entries for curry mela.

If you ever thought you can't get more of a Fudge, then this is it for you! Soma Rathore's Besan Ki Barfi, not only looks apt to tempt the angel, she uses almonds, which sure gives a nutty taste!

Lets now check out what some multiple entries came from bloggers.

Meera sends in some lovely indian food, plus she takes time to explore international cuisine, which sure looks too delicious.

I am always amazed at the traditional dishes that Meera comes out with. And imagine she has two of them! this Lima Beans Usal that she blogged is from her aunt, which is an interesting mix of ingredients!

Come any festive day, this Moogan Ganthi is what her mom prepares. If a curry is nice even without the onions and garlic, then it must be really good!

This simple horsegram stir fry is Meera's favorite and she loves it more when its prepared by her Mom. I am sure it tastes just awesome. She says she loves it with jaggary. I have had it on either ways, so its interesting to note that both sweet and salt goes in the same dish!

I didn't realize until I saw it twice. Meera, records her journey towards beautiful cusines that she learnt from friends. And this delicious Black Eyed Peas Rice From Colombia, is the treat for us to enjoy!

Until Meera sent in her beautiful Rishta Biadab, a Lebanese Soup, I never knew it will be so heart warming. Her picture is a perfect proof of how beautiful lebanese cuisine is!

Neha sends us a spread of lentil and legume dishes varying from the peas to the channa. Each one sounds better than the other, be it the Dal makhani or the Mutter Paneer to Spicy choles that she makes.

All are surely something one can make anytime of the day and enjoy!

Its always a pleasure reading Notyet100's posts. She takes us through a keladoscope of her daily life. She shares what does and how she manages with a toddoler around. Its fun reading, nice knowing she is always on the look out of preparing something new.

Be it the Dal dhokali or the simple Desi Chana fry or the comforting Masala dal fry or something so exotic as the Fara, I always come back learning something new!

The next set of lovely and delicious dishes comes from my dear friend Sunshinemom. Her posts are lovely to read, no doubt the posts are long but you won't find me complaining. They actually cater to my needs to read lively witty stories. Anyway I know for a fact that her kiddos are one lucky bunch to get treated to such yum and delicious food.

And to my utter shock, she confesses of having equally wonderful neighbors who share excellent goodies with her!

If I become violent, then I have Sunshinemom to blame. She sends in a plate full of kulchas with adoring Chhole, served to her by her lovely and wonderful neighbor, the Mysterious Madam M, (think this is a James Bond scene?, I think so for all the secrecy she maintains) and doesn't want to share her neighbor!!

Well if you are a paani puri fan, then this post is for you! Sunshinemom goes gagga over these puris and goes on to talk about my fav meal of the day the Tiffin. The way she has taken over the topic, sounds more like the next movie title!!...:)

Finally we have the ultimate rambling rolling down merry, you will to have head on straight to Tonguetickers, this post is not only tongue tickling, but tummy tickling too (oouch, hope sunshinemom won't descend on me)..With a cap replaced curtesy her friendly neighbours tilguls, she still heads on to make such lovely array of goodies for her kids, now I wish I stay next doors! With mouth watering Ven Pongal, Chakra Pongal and Masala Vadai, I am dead dropped, with my brain sending SOS to reach out!

Well when you are in love with legumes, I am sure you will devise many ways to include them your menu. Which is what Viki seems to have done. Her list of breakfast items stops me for a moment to enjoy its beautiful pictures and yes, the goodness of legumes!

Her pesarattu surely looks crispy not to beat around the Adai, which I know is my most favorite one. And not being happy with just few, she adds many lentils to come up with Navadhanya adai.

If you stay enough, I am sure you won't fail to notice those lovely Rava Idlys or that Cranberry bean kottu. Now who would've thought of that!

Another array of interesting entries comes from Vidhas. Be it the exciting chickpea parathas, which I am sure her kids loved, to the peanut Masala, it simply sounds great.

And if you are running out of ideas to offer to kids, then these lovely bondas or the Cutlets will not let you down.

Not to mention those delicious Paruppu Orundai Kozhambu or the Moongdal Sambar, everything sounds too good. I am sure you want to finish off with this Rava pongal.

Priya always ensures she makes me happy with so many of her lovely entries that she sends across. Be it any part of the menu you are looking for, she for sure will have one approciate. If you are looking for ways to finish off the leftover radish, these these crispy Radish Pakodas are for you

Or running out of ideas to make a healthy side dishes for rice, then these Beetroot Channadal Stir-fry or the Broccoli & Dals Kootu, are some good options.

I love peanuts and when its used in cooking, I simply love the dish too. So Priya's Ridgegourd curry sounds very interesting with the addition of my favorite nuts and whats more its very simple to make!

And if you are bored with the same old veggie in sambar, you can do what Priya does and prepare a sambar with Val. It sure will be a hit at home. Though I have heard of kozhambu being made with this beans, sambar sounds too interesting!

You can't complete the list without a sweet offering right, so this tempting Sakkarai Pongal is all fine.

And after all this overdose, you sure need to diet right, so check out this innovative Lentils With Chicken Sausage.


This time too Shama Nags ensure she makes most of her everyday cooking to suit my theme, and made me very happy with her generous dishes. Be it a simple peanut chutney of the dry dishes, you can always get a peek into them at her place.

Then comes a glorious arrary of curries made with lentils, i am sure you will be filled with so many ideas.

Though I have heard a lot about this dal dumpling curry, I have yet to muster the courage to attempt. Her Fried Lentil Ball curry is sure enough to tempt you!

I really don't have to say how much this dish is a favorite to people around me. Vada in any form, normally has lot of takers and this version soaked in curds is ultimate!
Check out how Shama Nags makes her version!

Not to mention the desserts to make this a complete meal.

The Sweet pongal or the Seeyam is enough to make one very happy!

She comes up with a simple yet a lovely sweet that makes for a perfect evening snack for kids. This is so convenient, that all you need is a bowl of dosa batter on hand and moong dal, makes it so easy to fix kids's urgent sweet cravings!

Finally few from me, though as I said major posts can fit this bill, I made these specially for this event!

This interesting Kadamba Sundal was one wholesome Salad!

Sambar rice came to rescue on an unforgettable day. And these fresh Black Eyed Beans are my all time favorite!

And yes finally, I request you all to take a look at my Spice your Life blog, to get updated on that front. I made this simple Tadka Dal for my twins!

It was a great pleasure going through all the entries, checking out new blogs. I am thankful to all the wonderful bloggers who have taken time to send in the entry! Though I try to be very organized, there are chances that I may have missed an entry, please do let me know, my apologies, it will be updated asap

And now for the winner....It is TigerFish!! She is going to get a copy of The Lady & Sons Savannah Country Cookbook from Susan. I hope you will like it. Please contact us with details!

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