Sabtu, 05 Januari 2013

Recap ~ Best of 2012

I am back to do one of my favorite round up, Best of year 2012. It's wonderful to catch up with what the bloggers have been doing the year that passed, be it either the delicious recipes, beautiful presentation with drool worthy pictures. One major aspect of food blogging that has grown tenfold, would be the quality of pictures that are been shared. Gone are days when one takes forever to learn about great pictures. The blogs that have sprung during the recent times, have great pictures and you can loose yourself in the way they appeal to you.

It's been a tradition doing this event, where I get to read the wonderful experience bloggers who send in their recap.

First to send in was Champa, my wonderful friend from Versatile Kitchen. Seeing her recap, I almost thought she a year long bakeathon! She highlights those recipes that were popular in each of the month. And the list is great list of recipes that you can surely attempt! I could see many that I can bookmark.

Then you have Usha from Veg Inspiration, contemplating on the year that passed away quite quickly. I had the same feeling as well. Though I remembered and thought of making the best of each day as it passed, the days flew. Though her blogging had been sporadic, nevertheless she has made up her mind to be more regular. Looking forward to her blogging more!

Another blogger whose recap I eagerly look forward is Graziana from Erbe in cucina. She always makes sure she sends in her recap. She does a very pretty collage of all the dishes/posts that she did over the year. If you are interested in gardening, this is one blog you should surely check out.

Next was from Rajani, my BM member. As I always enjoy her BM Posts, this was no less. She is witty and humorous and the humour comes across effortless. Reading her posts I always think why I don't write so witty. Read on to know what she was doing the year that went by, with pretty pictures that brighten the post so well..

Another blogger who never misses doing a recap for me, is Priyanka of Asan Khana. She is one happy person seeing all her resolutions for the year 2012 were met. Now I wish I could say the same..:)

Pavani sends in her collection of beautiful pictures and posts that made it to the top last year. Her pictures always makes me want to grab them right off the screen. It was wonderful reading her post and looking at those delicious pictures again.

For a person who started during January of last year, Preeti has surely come a long way in terms of the number of recipes.. She has actively been participating in many blogospere events. She comes up with a variety of dishes for a person who is still in college!

Another person who never misses to be part of this event, is Jaya of Spice and Curry. She just manages to do a recap, which listed some very pretty pictures. I surely want to try some of them myself.

Next comes a wonderful account from PJ, who gives such a detail account on how each post were received. It's always good to check out a blog that's very versatile in so many recipes.

And finally from me, my own collection of dishes and emotions that played high during the year that went by. I hope I get to do much more this year in terms of learning and doing things different.

I hope you enjoyed reading all the entries. Do take time to drop in a word at their spaces!

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