Jumat, 15 Juli 2011

Andhra Chicken Roast Recipe 2

This is the chicken roast that I often make at home and it was even featured in The Hindu newspaper. I somehow never came around posting it here. I make a similar roast with different ingredients. When I read through it, I realize how small change to the proportion makes such a big change.
After reading the newspaper article, many who didn't know about my blogging, called up asking me what I do and about the blog. Many of them even tried the recipe and said it was a hit at their home. So finally here the recipe for you to try!

Talking about this chicken, this is one of Konda's favorite dish. She had her School Sports day and has been excited about it since a week. She has been very excited about getting a gold medal in the relay. She was coming first in 200 m, but after a selection of 5 rounds, she was not able to get the first position. Every day she used to come back home fully drained and exhausted. My parents complained that she should not take part as she hardly eats well enough to walk, let alone run. I didn't want to discourage her as she was so interested in it. Finally I am glad she got in the medal in other event, and took the opportunity to give some gyan. Team work works, not that she would have understood, but anyways. Next on my to do list is to make her things that will help her build more stamina.

That reminds me that I should make this chicken roast for her again.

I had previously posted another Andhra Chicken Roast, maybe I should get to be more adventurous in naming the dishes.  Since I mostly experiment with different ingredients and note down when a particular dish gets appreciated, I never think of giving it a different name. If you must know, we have a chicken variety called X Chicken Fry, christened by Daddy because Amma couldn't come up with a suitable name for the dish. If you must know, that's the most favorite chicken fry that Amma makes.

Andhra Chicken Roast

Ingredients Needed:

For the marinade:

Chicken breast – 250 gm
Curds – 1/2 cup
Ginger-garlic paste – 1/2 tsp
Turmeric powder – a pinch

For the roast:

Long green chilli – 1
Big onion – 1
Curry leaves – a few
Chilli powder – 1 and 1/2 tsp
Coriander powder – 1 tsp
Oil – 1-2 tsp
Salt to taste
Clove – 2
Cinnamon – 1 inch

For garnish:

Coriander leaves – a few

Method to prepare:

Wash and cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces. Let it drain for five minutes.

In a bowl, mix the chicken with curds, ginger-garlic paste and turmeric. Marinate for 15 minutes.

Chop onions roughly and make a paste along with green chillies.

Heat a heavy bottomed pan with oil.  Add clove and cinnamon, fry it for a min, then add onion-green chilli paste, fry till the oil comes out. Stir frequently to make the bottom doesn't get burnt.

Add the chicken along with the marinade, cook on a high flame for five minutes.

Then add the chilli powder, coriander powder and salt. Mix well. Simmer and cook with a lid for 10 minutes.

Cook till the chicken is tender and turns brown.

Sprinkle finely chopped coriander and cook till dry.

Other Chicken Recipes

Enjoy your weekend!

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