Selasa, 22 September 2009

Navaratri Recipes | Navratri Special Day 4 ~ Pattani Sundal, Kadambam Rice

Today's neivedyam was Kadambam Rice and Pattani Sundal (Tricolour Salad). Though I have a recipe for Kadamba Sadam, thought I would just look around to see how everybody makes it. Surprise surprise, each one was different! One recipe I referred was from Suganya who, of course, has beautiful pictures to boot. The other one was from a recipe site. So looks like one can adapt this recipe to your own way. Though true to its name, different vegetables are added in. So I was pleasantly trilled to realize I had soaked all the lentils in my pantry last night. You know that I intend to clear my overstocked pantry of lentils right.

Kadambam in Tamil means a melody of different things put together. It's normally used in reference to flowers, where different flowers are strung together to be made as a garland and offered to God. These flowers are also worn by the ladies on their hair. Kadamda Sadam calls for all types of vegetables and made more like the Sambar Sadam or Bisi Bela Bath. But a much milder version and quicker too.


Before I jump on, I should make a note on Renuka who has given such detailed account on the Navratri poojas. When I was running short of ideas for the Rice dish to be offered as the prasadam, I happened to check her notes on what to make each day and was happy to note I followed the first three days right on spot!

On a different note, I got couple of mails from blogger friends, who alerted my blog, including few others, have been entirely copied. Plagiarism is depressing, knowing how much time goes into a post, its sad to note few don't acknowledge that.

On a positive side, I find it elevating that the person found it interesting and worth for the entire blog has been copied. Maybe it stems from the fact of hearing one statement often from Daddy and Hubby dear. They always keep saying "Think how you can do it, find a solution rather than saying you can't do it" Positive attitude and thinking "nothing is impossible" paves to a better mindset!


Well after reporting Google, I shrugged to carry on with cooking. Hubby dear was hinting that I was way too relaxed. After all with Konda having her holidays, I thought I could start a bit late. But in the end its like preparing for a war! The boys had only fruits for breakfast. Their dad was enticing them with different fruit and they amicably agreed to eat them all. That reminds me that I still have couple of those posts to shoot! God I seriously wish I had more hours in a day, don't you think so too?

What's life if its not coloured with all the hue? Well this was on top of my mind last night when I was soaking the dried peas in a bowl. I was thinking up different combination to add to this salad, when a rat literally ran down the stove! Yes a rat, one of these days I am going to set a trap, will tell the story on another post. This post is threatening to be never ending.


Pattani Sundal ~ Tricolour Salad!

Dried Peas / Pattani - 1 cup
Salt to taste

Mustard Seeds, Urad dal - 1/2 tsp
Curry leaves - 4-5
Red Chilies - 4


Grated Carrots -1
Grated Coconut - 2 tbsp

Method to prepare:

Soak peas overnight or about 6 hrs minimum. Pressure cook with little salt for about 3 -4 times or till done. These need not be very soft. The crunchy feeling adds to the taste.

Once done, drain the peas and keep aside. You can use the water as soup stock or add in rasam.

Heat a kadai with oil, once hot, splutter the mustard and urad dal along with curry leaves.

After sautéing for 1 minute, add the cooked peas combine everything well and cook for 2 -3 mins depending the water content.

Remove from fire and add the grated carrot and coconut. This need not be cooked and it adds a great taste to the salad.

Kadambam Sadam will follow soon.

Meanwhile get ready to see what is offered tomorrow! Good night folks, my kids have come out twice already and I can't hope to keep them still any more, so see you all tomorrow!

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