Rabu, 15 April 2009

Announcing Mithai Mela ~ Celebrating 2 years!

Time for sure flies! While I was flying to my office, something clocked in my mind and I remembered that 16th April, marks the 2nd year completion of my blog. Though technically I posted my first post much later, for all reasons, starting point matters right. And in the same breath I remembered its been a while since I had any of my Mela Series. So this definitely calls in for an occasion to have a Mela!

For almost a year and half, I managed to post daily. But it had to exhaust at some point right. Life now seem so much more hectic, that I have convinced myself to do a two post a week. I am trying hard to squeeze in the many things that are running parallel. Since I am not a person who can sit idle for a min, this chance seem so perfect with the MM just getting completed. I have a perfect reason to host another event.

So friends, here comes the "Mithai Mela". Do indulge me by participating in this edition of Mela, which marks the 2nd year completion of this blog. I feel nostalgic remembering the fantastic Dosa Mela that got started this way. And I hope this edition will be a success too.


Here’s how it works:

1. From now till May 20th 2009, cook any sweet and post on your blog with a link back to this announcement and use the logo.

2. The entry can be any type of sweet. Only condition being it got to be sweet of course!

3. You can send in your entries from Archive, provided they are re posted specially for this event and not clubbed together.

4. Entries sent to Mithai Mela can be entered to other events.

5. Once done, you can send in your entries to cooking4allseasons@gmail.com with the following details
Sub: Mithai Mela
Blogger name
Post URL
Recipe name

7. Non bloggers can send their entry with the recipe details and pic, if any to my email acct.

I hope you won't disappointed me in over indulging me with a dose of sweets!

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