Senin, 30 Maret 2009

Brinjal Chips from Microwave!

Its another week to roll by and I am all set to begin with a good planning to get most things done as per plan. Konda's exams are going on and will get over by next week. She is all so excited thinking about her long summer vacation. Not just that, she is also excited about my parents coming back. Well I am too! These past four months seem to so long with them being so far away. Infact everybody at home are, including the boys. Every night they pick up the phone and talk over blank line, saying Ammamma and Thatha come back home, then they used to say gud night before calling it a day!

I had just a day off and it was quite hectic playing and trying to keep the boys busy the whole day. I guess every body's aim at home, including their sister, is to make sure the boys enjoy their day at home! Whenever I speak to their teacher, she tells me that they are such a sweet content boys. But then if they don't' be naughty, who else will be! I wonder why they feel so bored at home! These days their pass time is playing with water. They take mug full of water and keep playing with it or sit in their tubs and play with toys. They even did a social service to our building by cleaning the gate outside. We could do nothing but ensure they don't take their hands to their mouth! They even got their school work file, neatly pinned with their class photo. The school had neatly filed all their work sheets, I was surprised they even sat for few minutes to paint those sheets. But when it comes to watching an animal movie or something related, we can make Peddu sit in a place. He sat with Konda and watched Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend last evening. And he was so involved that he was crying when there was a break for Ads in between. I finally had to tell the story all over again before he slept.

Chinnu was playing on his own, movies or likes, least interest him! Since all of them were occupied, I thought I should prepare something that was long pending. I was thinking for quite a while on what to prepare for this month's Microwave Cooking event, and saw that most things that I planned were already done. The idea for this snack was on my mind for a long time, but never came around making it. Now I thought was the right time. I had fresh Brinjal on hand and decided to quickly pop them into the microwave.

Believe me, these got disappeared in seconds. The best part was the kids loving these crisp brinjal chips. I think I found the best way to make them eat brinjal, I have never known Konda eating brinjal and she said it was really yummy.

The recipe is so simple that I don't even have to write them in a format. You have a wide range to choose the masala you sprinkle over the brinjal slices and you can experiment over many. I just chopped them very fine, tossed them in 1 tsp of oil, sprinkled salt and chilli powder over few and micro for 6 minutes. They turned out to be very crisp. Finally sprinkled pepper and salt again.

Few slices had garam masala and cumin powder sprinkled. Everything taste good with Tomato sauce. Few slices were bitter maybe because of the brinjal, but overall the slices were yum!

While Konda wiped out the plate within seconds, Peddu ensured he licked the sauce bowl clean. He was looking so cute with sauce all over his face and he returned the bowl back, nodding his head to mean he has done a good job of saving me the trouble to wash!

I am happy I have something to contribute to my Microwave Easy Cooking, themed on Savory Snacks, hosted this month by the ever energetic Priya, who has so many recipes up her sleeves. I always wonder how she manages to cook so many!! Thanks Priya for taking time to host this event! Do rush up with your entries too.

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