Sabtu, 07 Februari 2009

My Legume Love Affair ~ Seventh Helping Round up Part 1!

I started this year with a thought that I should spend more time on the book I am planning. Then I thought I will miss blogging that I need to have an event running. I miss seeing entry mails and checking out their posts, seriously! Then out of the blue I got a mail from Susan, asking if I can take up her event's hosting this month. Well I could see myself getting excited at the thought as I knew I always seems to be having a love affair with the legumes and lentils. 90% of my posts after all have lentils in them! As TigerFish said, Seventh heaven, Seventh Helping, well that's exactly what I felt at the number. I am really honoured to host this event, which seems to be such an interesting one for many, with the entries I have got the recap!

Literally everybody seems to be having a passionate affair with these important ingredients to our cooking. I thank Susan for thinking of me. I got about 235 entries from 68 enthusiastic bloggers. I kindly request those bloggers who may have forgotten linking to Susan's page, I have left a note, but do update the post with the link. That ensures you let your readers be aware of this awesome event.

Before I proceed, I hope you remember that Susan is giving away a cookbook to one lucky blogger. I choose simply it from the fact that the blogger's entry was 100th one on my list! I will announce the winner end of the round up, which you can expect down two days later. I am doing this in 2 parts!

As always I like things being categorized. I hope it helps people to reach what they are looking for easily. Today's post will feature the dishes that fit as Breakfast, Soups, Salads, Starters/Snacks and Gravies. Of course I tried categorizing them further with the legume or lentil it highlighted.

Hope you all enjoy!


Lets start with the most important part of our meal, The Breakfast! And I was excited seeing so many wonderful entries to choose from. I am happy to start this with my dear friend Dhivi, who has sent in one awesome pillows! Lets recline and enjoy the show!

Are you looking for a pillow to rest your head or a cushion to lean on? Well you would, once you tuck in your tummies these soft and fluffy idlis that DK sent us. This traditional breakfast is not something anybody wants to miss!

Then I am sure you won't want to miss this delicious Pongal sent by Hema, which is a comfort food for many and she says its her family's favorite too. Who wouldn't want to grab this esp. when she has made it so rich and tasty!

Next comes from Mints, who has a lovely Marathi blog. Good that she has a translation on, else I would have missed her yummy dishes she posts. The simple Daal Idli, she made, is sure a protein filled one!

With the nutty taste of the peanuts, Poornima makes this Sabudana Kichadi. I am sure it tasted awesome, me thinks, for peanuts.has that effect on me!

With all these gone, I am sure you want to take a breath catching what Sailaja has to bring!. Its an authentic Andhra dish, which sure has a way to tempt us. These crispy Punukkulu makes a great pair with Peanut-Coriander Chutney. Punukkulu are those deep fried love and they come alive through Sailu's wonderful lens!

Then we have a toast with beans! What I love most about Simran's dishes are the simplicity they offer! Breakfast with Beans is one such kind. But the picture is far more pretty than the simplicity it shows. And yeah she doesn't like these, of course she meant the canned ones!

Next we move on to Dosas and its family!

Anuvenkat makes the Attu, the legendary Pesarattu from Andhra. Its always a loved breakfast item at home, and seeing this entry, makes me long for it again! With a dose of fried onions and jeera, nothing can beat the taste!

When it comes to Dosa, there is nothing I don't love more. Its no wonder I was happy getting a new variety with a new name. This Kurunai dosa comes from Chitra, who says the goodness of black gram is just enough to go on eating this dosa!

Adais are my all time favorite, if you don't believe me, you can go check on it!..And my dear friend Kamala sends me just that! With so many lentils ground together, it makes a power packed breakfast dish!

Well as I have said many times, Madhuram's space is a wonderful one for people who crave for eggless dishes. And she ensures she expands that to include lot more like these delicious Brown Rice and 16 Beans Adai too. She is forever substituting things for better and more healthy options

Another Pesarattu comes from Srividhya which she also says can be yummy anytime of the day. Be if for breakfast, lunch or dinner. And of course, since this is instant you don't have to worry about fermenting!

Finally we have Vibaas making this regular Rava dosa into a super packed protein meal with Oatmeal mixed. I am sure her kids enjoyed it a lot!


Lets start the course with Soup, each and every entry that made its way proved to be a classic one! You will be left wanting to make all of them, am sure!

First on the list, we have Deepa making this traditional Paruppu Rasam that she gets to know from her friend and she is excited as its different from the one she normally makes. Rasam always does energize your metabolism, and one that looks as yummy sure will!

Then we have Deepika saying a soup is all one needs during a long cold winter night. And she has the perfect remedy too. She happens to lay her hands on the Red lentil and prepares a healthy Tomato Red Lentil Soup, which sure is a winning dish!

Another soup to shoo away the winter blues comes from EC, who makes a delicious Chickpea Soup. It serves perfect one to warm us through this period.

Ivy wants to cut down the calories and thinks this Fakes Soupa serves best as a filling yet healthy one. I am sure the festive season takes its toil and resort to such healthy options is the best one left. So this yummy soup is the answer!

Then we have Sandy rambling! The dig that her live in nanny had at her expense, got our dear Bong Mom going bonkers about the cookie she was about to munch. In recluse, she finds solace in this beautiful Thai Vegetable Soup, that she thinks will get her nanny off her topic!

Then comes Soma along with A Taste of Morocco, the famous Harira. Its a bowl fit to be served for royals. What with its spices and herbs, its a complete meal on its own. The way she went on and on, on this lovely soup, I am all geared to prepare it soon!

Dhanya brings in a soup with 17 beans and mixed vegetable soup . This not only have many veggies but basil and the Rosemarie infused to make this one lovely and healthy Soup!

Next we have Sweatha bringing us two different and interesting dishes. First one is a hearty stew from Moroccan made with Chickpeas. When it comes all the way far and so delicious, we cannot but want to make it ourselves right. I was dumbfound reading the Moroccans use some 70 spices, my head just spun thinking about it!

Other on Sweatha's experiment is this lovely Tuscan soup that she makes with cabbages and cannelloni beans. Isn't that a wonderful way to enjoy beans!

Ok, Usha send in an entry that I have a hard time pronouncing correctly. But given the look of the soup, I really don't care how its called, am I am ready for a dose of this beautiful Mediterranean White Bean Soup.

Finally we have Yasmeen piping in hot curried black lentil soup. We include urad in many ways but never thought of this soup. With spices and herbs, this sure tempts! Yasmeen always tries to focus on healthy ones, so this sure makes it perfect!

Then we have spread of Salad that are set to tempt us, these include the Usli, thorans, Stir Fries all!

First on the list is a dish with sprouted moth beans, that I am hearing for the first time. And from the way Archy is seen praising, am sure it ought to be great! This simple yet wholesome dish makes it a perfect one with akki rotti or so says Archy!

I understood Ashwini loves Salads for she sends in two varieties. A salad anytime might sound healthy but it becomes very interesting when you make it with rice and lentils. That's exactly what Ashwini does and sends a yummy looking salad with wild rice mixed with lentil salad!

Then she brings in a comfort food to the table with her innovative dill and capsicum in a lemon rice, and what else can add more taste but a chickpea usli! Very lovely to see this classic combo!

And Kamala too sends in two interesting dishes from her Corner. She says though legumes are cooked almost daily in most South Indian homes, sundal represents the best. I don't deny and more than happy seeing her tempting bowls of sundal made with Mango and Coconut. And the second one with Rajma!

This colourful salad comes from the konkan world ruled by Maya. I am sure with her mayajal, she was able to recreate this beautiful salad that she got to know from her friend. With the goodness of Black bean and many veggies, its not something one can miss!

The greedy gourmet is out with a salad. Why you ask? Well its the new year and naturally has to compensate the rich and loaded dishes one must'have had during the season. This salad comes to her rescue as she is sick of the same old boring salad (I must say even that would look great through her lens). The name might be long, but Michelle's salad is sure to keep you warm!

Bhel's are always delicious and if they are made using sprouted ones, all more healthy. Namrata shares with us her Sprouted Chana Bhel which was the result of some fond memories, do hop on to read on them!

Preeti shares with us the common salad that gets served in all weddings, the Hesarubele Kosambari or the Mung Dal Salad. Its not only quick to make, but very nutritious. So its no wonder she wants to serve this for breakfast!

Legumes are so good that Rekha feels we got to add them to our diet atleast several times in a week. Well that's a nice suggestion and with such startling salad with Redbeans and Corn, I am sure it will be great!

Well they wont say it without some link right! yep I am referring to Ujwal and her affinity towards Horse gram. Feeling a bit down on the weather, she makes these to perk her up and if you want to know what the connection is, well head to her space to read how!

Then we find Ujwal being disappointed that her local stores do not have that many varieties as she used to find at her home place. But what they do sell is a great variety of moong dal, which she makes as Keerlayile Mooga Usli! Am sure if she gets more, we will be awarded with lots more varieties!


Then we move to the next item, which apparently are my favorite ones!

From her Diverse Kitchen, we have Aparna dishes out one great looking Dhokla. This time making me go ouch as I kept drooling at the picture and forgot other things. I simply love dhoklas and her adding veggies makes it even more interesting!

I guess this entire array of items, you will find me lingering a lot, for the next one is again something I have always drooled over and it is falafel. And Aquadaze has done the final cut! Her entry had me on the nick, wanting to try this next. And the way she has packed into a sandwich makes it even more tempting!

Making vadas with mint or coriander I know, but never with dill leaves. Archy brings one interesting twist to the regular vada by adding dill to it!

Baked Chickpea Falafel, er..Hummus?, this is the question that Arika has. She follows a recipe and lands up with a perfectly tempting dish that she doubts can be called as hummas patties too. Whatever, what these 'Yummy couple' as they call themselves, found and tasted sounds perfect too!

Next Vada on the ramp comes from Arundati, who sends in what she calls as Cheater’s Dahi Vada. But those are no cheaters if I am to understand her notes. She makes use of that versatile appa patra and dishes out those yummy looking vadas..which the couple ate most of it as such, remaining which got dunked into yummy!

The next lovely dimpled Vadas are everybody favorite. Esp if they are made by Asha. yes she is back and back with bang! I am too happy seeing her back in action. For the favorite Urad Dal Vada, she makes a Spicy dal dip, which sounds just too irresistible!

Then comes a Channa Chaat from Deepthi, which sure evokes many a fond memory down the lane. And her picture is out right tempting, more the reason to visit the chaatwala near to you if you are not up to it!...

Deep fried Vadas are not your cup of tea, ok, plate of snacks? Well we have Dershana coming with the perfect solution. The ultimate healthy snack, vadas that are steamed! Now she says she is on constant lookout for healthy recipes as she is on a roller coaster as an expectant mom. Congrats Dershana, am sure we can expect many such interesting ones from you now!

Well well these Bondas sure must be everybody's favorite and if its with mixed vegetable its even more good, of course if you don't mind it being deep fried. But then what is a bonda, if its not a deep fry love! This vegetable Bonda from Hema is tempting enough!

Are you a chickpea fan, then you got to trot over to Madhuram's delicious dish. These lovely Oven Roasted Chickpeas will for sure make you go gagga for more!

This is the first time I am hearing about Edamame, so I should thank Manali for the education! And what a lovely thing it is. Its a perfect snack and you don't have to be feeling guilty. Manali makes an interesting roast with this and enjoys!

Next we have the lovely Navita coming with three very interesting snacks. First is the well known savoury dough nut aka the medhu vada. Said she used to keep rotating it on her index finger while a lil girl. What surprised me was the fact she says this cuisine is not her favorite, her lovely pictures doesn't say so!

Then she takes us on a trip to a military base along with stories and fabulous food dished out there. The one dish that remains high in her memory are these delicious Khasta Kachori. I am sure these are as lovely as she says!

Finally you are in for a surprise. Ok these lovely Microwave 'Sattu' Tarts are something you surely be bowled by. Navita having an adventurous streak, attempts this delicious ones in mw and comes out a winner!

Then we have Priya Sriram making these lovely Udeeth Vada, as they call. These no doubt are the best snacks one can have. I don't think the deep fried aspect matters when it comes to this taste!

This delicious Misal Paav comes from Rachana, who doesn't quit raving about her friend and mom's magical wand. Wish I had them too and create such a lovely one to eat! She sent in two lovely pictures for me to choose, I had a hard time, selecting one!

If you ever wanted to check out the most perfect and mouth watering Vada, then you got to take a double shot at Rathna's beautiful Medhu Vadai. They were so perfect, that I know I could ask her to do a video of how she got the so picture perfect!

Then we find Rinku sorely in need of a cheering up and what else can work better than food. She finds herself a pack of puris, with cooked chickpeas on hand, she so conveniently comes out with this cheering colours, that not only cheers her up but us too with its quintessential appeal!

If only I had such wonderful memory as Ujawal. She remembers what was made some 13 years ago and recreates in her new home, these lovely Ragda Patties and enjoys the memories revisited!

The Chickpea Patties that Vibaas sends in, serves as a perfect snack for kids. And the minimum use of oil that goes in for shallow frying makes it healthy, not to mention the protein content. Its no wonder her kids liked it!

Chickpea seems to be the favorite of many, be it the white or the brown ones. The ones that follow are dishes sing laurels of Chickpeas!

First we have Arch praising the great lunch they had at her cousins place. They were treated with gorgeous food that included a hara channa too. Back home when she found loads of these available, she could not but recreate that dish she enjoyed. Says she liked the easy and simple dish of Hara chana with muthias

Then we have Hema saying she has made channa masala in one style, why not try in a new way! I am sure it always helps to have one ingredients cooked in different cuisine. It sure removes the boredom, so she thought the same too. For she comes up with a recipe for Channa masala in South Indian style.

Jayasree comes next with the famous Puttu with kadala curry. As she says, its is an evergreen breakfast combo, not just for keralites but for people who love it! And I am one of those and always keep drooling over a plate of puttu with kadala curry over it, just as this entry is!

Then we have Mallugirl coming back with a bang. Kala Chana accompanying the Puri, when you think what else will one want? She says its got to be decked with soji halwa..yummy, I guess I have had enough, with that lovely plate of kala channa!

From the Cinnamon Hut comes a Chana with a twist! Chanas make a great pair with Kulcha. But when you are hard pressed to find kulcha, there is always an alternative. Nupur does just that and replaces it with soft burger buns and makes a classic Channa paired with it.

Then PJ seduces your taste buds with a Chole Chole dance, a perfect pair for lovely Baturas. She says though it originally was a paired item with Batura, now its seen accompanying lot others. So its no wonder seeing her sending it with a veggie chapathi!

As I always felt, the events get me to such wonderful blogs, that I may otherwise have not had seen. Simply Innocence is one such one. Rajee, who authors it adds lot of spices and anecdotes to make it very spicy to read. And this delicious Methiwale Kabuli Chhole looks and sounds too yum and its hard to believe its made without onions!...

Rekha sends in two wonderful dishes made with Chickpeas. This proves the fact that one can actually let their imagination run wild with the combos! The Cabbage and Tomato curry with Chickpea is interesting. But far more captivating is the Chickpeas in Green Gravy, a dish that surely captures mind.

Puttu is Sharmi's favorite dish, knowing that her mom got her different variety of puttu flour. Imagine one with Corn, I never knew this. And looking at her tempting plate, one never needs to wonder. The kadala curry just enhances the whole experience!

Next we have Shreya saying she loves white channa. Though she has already posted few with black channa, these are her family's favorite. I don't wonder at all, if the curry tastes as good as it looks.

Well every time I check on Sia, she is on something. This time she has got on herself to explain an theory, well it might sound complex, but you can get the gist once things are clear! She cooks up a beautiful Lauki Choley and asks if its Complex or Simple?

Finally we have TBC. I really don't know why she wants to maintain she is the budding cook, when she has so many awesome creations on her blog. This time though she had me very nostalgic, talking about reading books and getting lost in their world. Not only TBC is a great photographer, but is a person after my heart, knowing her love for chickpea! Her peppery chickpeas are next on my list!


Well if Chickpeas have gone, will Rajma be far away!

Arch was surprised at the indulgence of her town people eating out. And felt every other type of restaurant is full, the worse being the Mexican. So coming out with her own dinner was what finally hit her as the best option. I am sure you agree too, looking at her tempting Tacos with kidney beans, Salsa and Rice!

Then we find Indo regretting for not tasting the Rajma that her colleague got years ago. We see her finally making it many years later. But me thinks she needn't regret, when her own Rajma looks so creamy and yummy!

The next version of Rajma Masala comes from Nupur. It always holds a mystic attachment for me and seeing such a lovely bowl doesn't help much! Nupur shares her MIL's tasty gravy which never looses its appeal!

Well I know how elated one must be, if a dish is repeatedly asked for. So its no wonder seeing Ramya jumping up and down because her Rajma masala was a hit with her hubby's friends! I don't wonder at all, as it looks very delicious!

While searching for something else, Sahaja lays her hand on a packet of Rajma, so its naturally going to be Rajma Masala right. But tummy tickling is the fact that she isn't sure if its going to end up as a South Indian version or a Punjabi. Anyways for new cooks, she has given both ways!

Finally we have Seema in her endeavours, having her own Legume Love Affair with Rajma Masala. The number of Rajmas parading this show, sure shows that its a favorite of many!

We now have different beans and legumes making their way!

First we have Cham coming with beautiful Drunken dumplings in buttermilk! Her pictures are always tempting to try the dish immediately and this one is no different. I don't normally prefer a moor kuzhambu, but hey when you want to be treated with such a beauty I wont' say no!

They have a club too, my gosh..its called the Avare Kai Foodies club. Chitra and Dibs belong to it, including a whole city. Well they can as well extend to my place too, as we are fans too. The Avare kaaya or the hyacinth beans, are in abundance this season. And what else can you expect these two lovely ladies to dish out! Its none other than a kurma with Avare Kaalu

Then we have the mother and daughter due dishing out another favorite! This one is a dish that's made with the squeezed out beans, which are a favorite ones at home. It was nice seeing this fascination in other homes too. Dibs shares her excitement in visiting the avare mela at their city and shares beautiful memories and a dish that's so famed, the Hituku Bele!

Red Cabbage is always pretty to eyes and when its combined with Moong Beans flavoured with Coconut, I am sure you will have hard time saying no. This tempting kootu comes from Deepa Hari, which she seems to have enjoyed a lot!

Dhanaskathi next comes with an unique combo of White bean and Paneer. It is something she was cooking for the first time and was happy that it was a hit at home.

Then this simple Olan comes from Dhanya who makes it with black eyed beans since she didn't have red beans. No problems, I simply love black eyed ones! And when its so simple why not!

You know I have never cooked with Bamboo shoots, so getting Divya Kudua's Sprouted Moong Ghashi with Bamboo shoots, was a real treat! Her hubby loves bamboo shoots and she takes every chance in making it, so pairing with healthy sprouted moong sounds real swell!

As I have said many times, I am always partial to authentic kerala dishes and this Errisery from Happy Cook, reminds me that I am yet to try my hand at this dish. I have always heard laurels sung for this errisery and her picture looks perfectly fit! She is one perfect cook, dishing out tasty muffins and tempting Erriserys in one go!

This delicious Soybean Curry is coming from Jaya of Spice and Curry. Its interesting to note the spices and way she has cooked up this great looking curry which warms up any time!

I can understand the excitement Kayal has cooking with fresh Toor Dal, remembering my own. And I was happy she decided to post an entry for an event on the new year day, else we would've missed this delicious gravy!

When I got this lovely entry from Lubna, I was all curious to know what could sound so good. Was really in for a treat knowing its a curry with Indian broad bean! It never fails to elevate our taste buds and looking at Lubna's beautiful picture, it says all!

Madhu shares a funny incident where she was forced to eat broccoli, and over years have got to like it. And in this post she combines with lentil to make a delicious side that goes well with rice and lentil.

I was happy seeing Mrs.Kannan coming up with her own creation of a curry with a multi bean packet. Am sure her lil one would also love to eat this sometime!

Navita's post is both tempting and thought provoking. Read on and you will know what she says. But I will recommend the Gatte Ki sabzi to be drooled too!

The next servings of curries will take you surely to the next level mind me!

First we have Raaga coming out with a perfect dish to handle the cold winter days. This deliciously sounding Chana Saar Upkari is just the dose you require, if you find yourself caught in the cold web!

Next comes Raji with another of her eye catching pictures. Mochakottai Kuzhambu, that she sent in, sure looks and tempts us to grab it right off the screen. After making this as her MIl got them, she wonders why she hasn't been cooking this often, I really wonder why not!

Another peppery peas comes from Renuka. Her blog is a wonderful place to check out some classic recipes with fusion ones too. This pepper peas masala is something she liked when her friend had made for their dinner party!

For Spicy Lovers, what else will befit if not a dish with so many spices. Sita makes a Beetroot Curry with a bunch of different dals topped with so many spices. This is perfect dose for a bland tongue to come alive!

Then we have Smitha sharing her wonderful reads about her sister and shares the recipe that is her signature dish. She says however much she tries, she has not been able to get the exact taste as her sister's, maybe we should request that special one ourselves! But meanwhile lets enjoy Smitha's version too!

Reading about the wonderful cuisine of Rajasthan, knowing about its different tempting curries, I was drooling over this Mangodi Aloo curry, sent by Sneh. Mangodis are dried ground lentils and they add a great taste to the curry. Wish I could have a taste off the screen!

Well if you thought stars can be any other form than what they are supposed to be, then you ought to see Sra's star of her dish! Well she says they may not be the main ingredient, but sure make an impact to the otherwise ordinary one! And she says the picture is worth to be the crowning glory of the round up! Peas Be with you Sra, I agree with you!

I was trilled getting any entry from Superartsy. Imagine the theme compelled her to cook something for me, I am really honoured and the dish she sent in, is even more exciting for me, as its something I have never cooked. Its called the Matki Palak curry and looks very tempting too!

Sushma Madhuchandra sends in this Green gram dal, which she says is very good for folks who are trying to reduce weight. Not just that, being so simple to prepare, makes it a perfect dish to resort when you are pressed for time!

From a deliciously coloured blog of Swapna Pravin, comes a Mutter Paneer. As most of you must already be bored to death hearing me say, I love paneer. So this adding a mutter, makes it better!

Tigerfish sends in a Spicy Green Beans with Carrots for her legume affair. I am sure its a passionate one, seeing how beautiful her pictures look. It might look simple yet all colours seems to be coming alive!...

One to always making the black eyed peas in her native way, Usha was elated in finding another way to cook this delicious black eyed beauty! I love it in any form, and was happy knowing this tastes great too!

Well though Vaishali sees these lovely canary beans, she never attempted to give a try. But when finally she finds herself making a curry, she knew these are something that are going to be frequented more! The beans that hold their shape so well, melts in your mouth and am sure you won't want anything more than that!

When it comes to authentic recipes, I am all alert to check out as I always want to make them at home. And this Mulakooshyam from Varsha can't get any better. I can still remember the initial fears she had and now her blog is hubbing with such tempting dishes!

Finally we have a beautiful Butternut Squash - Lentil curry. This curry is the result of some wonderful new year resolutions that VnV made. Well the couple decided to cook more seasonally and when they found this awesome butternut squash, it found its way to be paired with lentil! I accolade the resolution, looking forward for more such yummy treats!


That's all folks for this edition, catch you all again in two days time with Part 2. Meanwhile, please do enjoy the show!

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