Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013

Beans Potato Curry | Beans Bangaladumpa Koora | Beans Aloo ki Sabzi

For the lunch box that I made along with Kathirikai Paruppu Kulambu, I made this simply Curry or Koora as we also call in Telugu. Now Koora is a name given to vegetable dry sautes as well as gravies. The usage is most confusing, however we manage somehow. Coming to this simple beans and potato subzi, I eat this at my sil's place. She had made it along with Pappu and I was surprised that hubby dear liked it and said he would eat such dishes if I were to make it like that. 

There was nothing so different about it, except of course the green chili spice that he so likes. So back home I decided I should make it and see if he still likes it. My SIL had made it quite spicy and it was bright red in colour, which meant she had added red chili powder as well. Mine didn't end up like that, maybe because I pressure cooked the vegetables and then added. Coming to the simple one, here is how you can make this simple dish that makes a good side dish for both rice and rotis as well.
Pressure cooking makes this dish get done very quickly, else you will have to slog over the stove for a while for the vegetables to get done.

Step by Step Pictures

Beans Potato Curry 

Ingredients Needed:

Beans - 1/4 kg
Potato - 2 small
Coconut - 2 tbsp
Green Chilies - 2 medium
Red Chili powder - 1/2 tsp
Coriander powder - 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste

For the Tempering

Mustard Seeds, Urad dal  - 1 tsp
Curry leaves - handful
Crushed Garlic - 4 cloves
Oil - 1 tsp

How to make the Beans Potato Curry

Make a coarse paste of coconut and green chilies without adding water.

Wash and trim the beans. Peel the potatos and cube. Pressure cook till done.

In a non stick pan, heat oil, temper with curry leaves, mustard seeds, and crushed garlic.

Next add the ground coconut mix, saute well till done.

Then add the cooked vegetables and cook on high for the water to evaporate. Add the spices and combine everything well.

Continue cooking in sim till the spices and vegetables blend well.

Serve with Rice or rotis

Enjoy the week ahead!

Minggu, 20 Januari 2013

Kathirikai Paruppu Kulambu | How to make Paruppu Kuzhambu | Lunch Box Series : LBS#68

I know I am getting back to my Lunch Box Series after a long time. Not that I don't carry packed lunches to work. I simply didn't have anything new or sometimes lack of time, that forced me to drop this series completely. All the lunch box recipes are very quick to make, most of them take under 30 mins or max 40 mins in different phase to get done.

Making something different for the lunch box, made me take the extra step to click the pictures as I went about. The entire thing was done within 40 mins, with me doing the breakfast as well. So I am not sure exactly how much time I must say for the lunch box recipes alone.
Anyway if you want something quick to get done, you know what to try. Today's special is all about Paruppu Kulambu, specially from Tirunelveli. In the Paruppu Kulambu that I had already shared, I mentioned a colleague of mine who hails from this city. I happen to have a conversation with another colleague of mine along with this friend. Guess what everybody talks only about food with me. So it's no wonder we started talking about what's made often at their place. They again spoke about Paruppu Kuzhambu and how differently it's made. So I asked this friend to share the recipe and she connected to her Mom. Her mom said I can use any vegetable and I had only Brinjal and so it became Kathirikai Paruppu Kulambu.

I was happy when I had my colleague taste and certify that I had the exact replica of what her mom makes. This was only time I almost followed to the T and confessed about the additions I made. She said her mom forgot to mention those and I was smart in adding them myself! There is recipe writing for you.

Today's Lunch Box had

Kathirik Paruppu Kulambuai 
Beans Aloo Curry
Plain Rice
Curd Rice                                                                                                                               

One main predominant thing that they kept saying was about using Pearl Onions for all the dishes. Even though I know Amma uses it very much, I haven't been paying particular attention on the aspect of the cooling effect these onions are supposed to have. This brought to focus how much we ignore such important things while we cook. I decided I should be paying more attention to these things going forward.

I was also surprised of usage of Fennel Seeds in a sambar. I have only used Fennel Seeds for Kurma till now. Altogether this was a fantastic meal!



Kathirikai Paruppu Kulambu

Ingredients Needed:

Toor Dal - 1 cup
Hing - 1 big pinch
Cumin Seeds - 1/2 tsp
Fennel Seeds - 1/2 tsp
Tomatoes - 2 medium
Brinjal - 4 medium
Red Chili powder - 1 tsp
Coriander powder - 1 tsp
Rock Salt to taste
Tamarind Extract - 1 tbsp
Coriander leaves handful

For the paste

Fresh coconut - 2 tbsp
Pearl Onions - 5

For the Tempering

Oil - 2 tsp
Mustard, Urad dal - 3/4 tsp
Pearl Onions - 4 - 5
Curry leaves handful

How to make the Kathirik Paruppu Kulambuai

In a pan, take the cooked dal along with enough water. Add hing, then add the cumin seeds, fennel seeds. Let it start boiling.

Next add chopped tomatoes, followed by brinjals. Add chili powder, coriander powder, salt and tamarind extract. Continue boiling in simmer

For the paste, peel the pearl onions, chopped coconut and grind to a coarse paste. Add this paste to the boiling dal. Mix well.

In another pan, add oil, temper with mustard seeds, urad dal, curry leaves and pearl onions. Saute till the onions are browned. Pour this into the boiling dal.

Continue cooking for another 10 mins after adding coriander leaves.

Switch off when the Kulambuai thickens.


I added cooked dal, else you can pressure cook toor dal in pressure cooker along with hing, tomatoes and certain vegetables till soft and continue the same process.

Kamis, 10 Januari 2013

Aloo Gobi ki Sabzi | Potato Cauliflower Dry Curry | Side Dish for Chapati

For a simple dish this post surely stayed for a while in draft. I have been planning to write on this since a week and never came around doing that. Imagine, on the first of this year, I thought I should carefully wade through each day, making sure I write down what I want and also make sure I complete it. Guess what, the days have simply flown! Just like so many days before, just like the days that will come. Each day as it comes, makes me want to grab and make the best as much as I can, even as I sit down thinking about it, the time simply keeps matching forward.

It's the same grind again. waking up, rushing through, deciding what to make. Then the mad rush to make sure the bus is not missed. Next is the rush to make sure I am on time to work. Then I never know how the time passes off so quickly, it's time to return. Of course you can imagine how it would be when one lands at home and have three hungry kids waiting. Yes, it's soon bed time and you hurriedly get them to sleep. Is this the pattern you go through too? Cos I get tired just thinking through this. Again if I am not doing and being so packed like this, what will I do?

That's a question that has no answer, with the half yearly exam completed, we are marching towards to the annual exams and soon it will be summer vacation! Konda just declared she wants to learn Carnatic music. Because her favorite singer also learnt Carnatic music before being launched. We have been after her for so many years for these classes, now she comes up with this plan herself. I am glad she has mentioned her aim to become an archaeologist again. She was fascinated by Jackie Chan cartoons some years back. I am not really sure of her current passion. I am sure she will update me soon as soon as she decides. 

While that goes on in my regular life, I am sure you will enjoy reading this simple sabji made with Aloo and Cauliflower. 

Aloo Gobi Sabji

Ingredients Needed:

Gobi - 1/2 Kg
Potato - 4 medium
Onions - 2 medium
Green Chilies - 4 long
Tomato - 1 medium
Bay leaf - 1 large
Garlic - 2 big cloves
Curry powder - 1 tsp
Turmeric powder a pinch
Salt to taste
Oil - 2 tsp
Coriander leaves handful chopped

How to make the sabji

Wash and trim the cauliflower, soak in salted hot water with lid covered for 10 mins. Rinse in water again. And drain, keep aside.

Peel and chop the potatoes as juliennes.

Heat a non stick pan with oil. Saute the bay leaf and finely chopped garlic. Then add onions julienne, saute on high and let the onions sweat.Add chopped chilies, saute well along with salt.

Next add the potatoes and cover with lid. Then add the turmeric powder, cook in simmer for 5 mins, then add tomatoes and combine everything well. Continue cooking with lid covered. This takes about another 5 mins for the potatoes to soften.

Once the aloo gets soft, add the drained cauliflower, mix everything well. Add the curry powder and cover again.

There is no need to add water, the moisture that comes from the covered vegetables is enough to soften the vegetables.

Finally add chopped coriander leaves.

Serve with rotis.


Instead of curry powder, you can simply add chili powder, coriander powder and a dash of garam masala.

Can add water if you want a liquid gravy.

Sabtu, 05 Januari 2013

Recap ~ Best of 2012

I am back to do one of my favorite round up, Best of year 2012. It's wonderful to catch up with what the bloggers have been doing the year that passed, be it either the delicious recipes, beautiful presentation with drool worthy pictures. One major aspect of food blogging that has grown tenfold, would be the quality of pictures that are been shared. Gone are days when one takes forever to learn about great pictures. The blogs that have sprung during the recent times, have great pictures and you can loose yourself in the way they appeal to you.

It's been a tradition doing this event, where I get to read the wonderful experience bloggers who send in their recap.

First to send in was Champa, my wonderful friend from Versatile Kitchen. Seeing her recap, I almost thought she a year long bakeathon! She highlights those recipes that were popular in each of the month. And the list is great list of recipes that you can surely attempt! I could see many that I can bookmark.

Then you have Usha from Veg Inspiration, contemplating on the year that passed away quite quickly. I had the same feeling as well. Though I remembered and thought of making the best of each day as it passed, the days flew. Though her blogging had been sporadic, nevertheless she has made up her mind to be more regular. Looking forward to her blogging more!

Another blogger whose recap I eagerly look forward is Graziana from Erbe in cucina. She always makes sure she sends in her recap. She does a very pretty collage of all the dishes/posts that she did over the year. If you are interested in gardening, this is one blog you should surely check out.

Next was from Rajani, my BM member. As I always enjoy her BM Posts, this was no less. She is witty and humorous and the humour comes across effortless. Reading her posts I always think why I don't write so witty. Read on to know what she was doing the year that went by, with pretty pictures that brighten the post so well..

Another blogger who never misses doing a recap for me, is Priyanka of Asan Khana. She is one happy person seeing all her resolutions for the year 2012 were met. Now I wish I could say the same..:)

Pavani sends in her collection of beautiful pictures and posts that made it to the top last year. Her pictures always makes me want to grab them right off the screen. It was wonderful reading her post and looking at those delicious pictures again.

For a person who started during January of last year, Preeti has surely come a long way in terms of the number of recipes.. She has actively been participating in many blogospere events. She comes up with a variety of dishes for a person who is still in college!

Another person who never misses to be part of this event, is Jaya of Spice and Curry. She just manages to do a recap, which listed some very pretty pictures. I surely want to try some of them myself.

Next comes a wonderful account from PJ, who gives such a detail account on how each post were received. It's always good to check out a blog that's very versatile in so many recipes.

And finally from me, my own collection of dishes and emotions that played high during the year that went by. I hope I get to do much more this year in terms of learning and doing things different.

I hope you enjoyed reading all the entries. Do take time to drop in a word at their spaces!

Selasa, 01 Januari 2013

Pineapple Rava Kesari | Pineapple Kesari Bath

For want of a better reason, I settled down to say that I wanted to share this Pineapple Kesari for starting with a sweet this new year. I hardly ever give in for such sentiments, however I thought it's never too late to begin now. 

As I said in my recap, I am never too keen on having any resolutions. I have seen myself breaking those resolutions the first chance I get and decided long back never to strain on planning to have anything specific. Still it is always good if we have a definite plans and that I decided would be to cook and experience all those foods that I keep wanting to make and never get around making it myself.
Pineapple Kesari
Pineapple Kesari
Coming to one such dish, this Pineapple Kesari would fit the bill so well. I have been wanting to make this for a long time and never had a good chance at making it. Since we ended up getting the whole fruit, and I made that Pineapple Upside down cake, I thought I might as well make this too. So one stroked out of my long to do list.

The kesari came out so well. I followed the same process I do for making the regular Kesari bath. Normally the juice is not added and is made with just water. I added juice and also used milk. The only risk you run when you use milk is, it will cuddle, the moment you add the tart pineapple juice. However if you are fine with the creamy cuddled milk, you are just fine.


Pineapplie Rava Kesari

Ingredients Needed:

Semolina / Rava - 1 cup
Milk - 1 & 1/2 cup
Pineapple pieces - 1 cup
Pineapple Juice - 3/4 cup
Sugar - 1 cup
Cardamom a pinch
Cashew nuts and Raisins - 5 each
Ghee - 2 tbsp
Yellow food colour a pinch

How to make the Pineapple Kesari

In a non stick pan, heat ghee and roast the cashews, raisins till done. Remove the nuts, add the semolina and roast well. Remove and keep aside one done.

Now to the pan, add the milk and bring to boil. Simmer and add the pineapple juice, pieces along with food colour. Simmer for couple of minutes. Then add the rava and mix well. It will take about 6 - 7 mins for the rava to get cooked.

Then add the sugar and cardamon. Combine everything well.

Simmer and continue cooking for another 5 mins.

Finally add the roasted dry fruits along with ghee, mix everything well and remove


As I have mentioned, the milk will tend to cuddle because of the tartness in pineapple. Simply use water if you want to avoid that.

Adjust sugar and ghee as per your paste.

Other Kesari Recipes

Kesari Bhath
Sooji ka Halwa | Suji ka Halwa Recipe in Microwave
Corn Rava Kesari with Palm Sugar
Vermicelli Kesari ~ Semiya Kesari!

Other Halwa Recipes